Podcast The Secret Sauce, Ep. 34: Remote Teams Presented by Scott DiPerna and Lauren Byrwa with Allison Manley
Podcast The Secret Sauce, Ep. 32: Documentation and Training Presented by Ryan Price with Allison Manley
Blog Post Unlocking Success with Pair Programming: Benefits and Best Practices Written by Steve Persch
Podcast On the Air With Palantir, Ep. 05: Consulting Engagements That Work - a Case Study With Rhodes College Presented by Justin McGregor with Allison Manley
Podcast The Secret Sauce, Ep. 20: Why It's Important to Deploy Early and Often Presented by Bec White with Allison Manley
Podcast On the Air With Palantir, Ep. 03: Increasing Performance Presented by Joe Purcell with Allison Manley
Podcast The Secret Sauce, Ep. 07: Designing in the Browser Presented by Ashley Cyborski with Allison Manley
Podcast The Secret Sauce, Ep. 06: Consulting Engagements That Work Presented by Ken Rickard with Allison Manley
Podcast The Secret Sauce, Ep. 05: Export Your Features in Drupal Presented by Kelsey Bentham with Allison Manley