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User Experience Strategy

Foundational - Intro Text

The depth of knowledge and expertise in a particular area of execution (i.e. engineering, project management, etc.).

Foundational Skills


Strategy Foundations


Demonstrates proficiency in Palantir’s UX Strategy practice

Level 1 Behaviors

Is building proficiency in Palantir’s UX Strategy practice
Is developing an understanding of the connections between business goals, user interactions, content strategy, and information architecture
Understands the founding principles of UX design and usability
Is becoming familiar with the technical strengths and constraints within our preferred technology solutions
Has working knowledge of UX tools (e.g., Sketch, Invision, Google Analytics, etc.)

Level 2 Behaviors

Is strengthening proficiency in Palantir’s UX Strategy practice
Applies current best practices in the areas of usability, content strategy, accessibility, information architecture, SEO, and UX design
Understands the strengths and constraints of our preferred technology solutions
Advocates for solutions easily supported by the selected technology while supporting the project goals
Explores new methodologies when the project need arises
Works well in their area of expertise with little to no daily guidance
Designs and performs competitive analysis, proactively researches relevant examples and seeks out industry trends
Defines strategy work for themselves and other team members
Is proficient with UX tools (e.g., Sketch, Invision, Google Analytics, etc.)
Problem solves within the framework of project goals, user needs, timeline and budget

Level 3 Behaviors

Understands writing for the web and guides clients to develop web content
Creates documentation and training materials for projects
Confidently communicates UX findings and recommendations, connecting UX reasoning to project goals
Collaborates with engineering team to learn technical requirements and constraints of a project
Develops new plays in their area of expertise
Determines solid, well-researched solutions to ambiguous or open-ended problems
Adapts process and contributes value within client-approved budget, scope and timeline

Level 4 Behaviors

Has an expert understanding of web components, design systems, and UX best practices
Has a expert understanding of content modeling, content strategy, and information architecture
Helps the sales team accurately convey the value of UX Strategy
Is a sought after partner to co-create new initiatives
Explores and experiments within projects contributing to sizable client value
Strategically analyzes the risks, benefits, and opportunities of various solutions
Seeks out discipline-wide opportunities for improvement
Is incredibly knowledgeable in their area of expertise recognized by industry experts/leaders outside of Palantir
Supports the sales team regarding strategy/UX proposal and estimate work

Level 5 Behaviors

Is always evolving UX practice, with a focus on how to add the highest value for the client within any time or budget
Designs and implements industry-leading techniques to solve complex problems
Leads projects that are complex and mission critical
Sees patterns across Palantir strategy work and makes connections between them to move projects and experiments forward
Is capable of high-level, consultative, predictive thinking


Foundational One




Discovery and Planning


Explores goals, business models, users, user experience, information architecture, content structures, taxonomies, technology ecospheres, pain points, and aspirations

Level 1 Behaviors

Conducts content inventories to understand current site map and content models on a site
Working knowledge of inventory tools such as Screaming Frog
Conducts discovery workshops with the guidance of a more experienced team member
Conducts stakeholder interviews with the guidance of a more experienced team member
Learns about client’s domain, competitors, and business model
Learns about client’s primary users

Level 2 Behaviors

Observes patterns in content inventories, learning what works and where opportunities lie
Is gaining confidence in leading discovery workshops on their own
Confidently conducts stakeholder interviews
Learns about existing pain points
Understands project goals and aspirations and can discuss them with the client
Audits site content and content models for quality and effectiveness
Learns about primary audiences and their top tasks
Guides less experienced team members in discovery and research tasks

Level 3 Behaviors

Has developed a library of UX Discovery workshop formats to pull from as needed
Documents and understands existing taxonomies
Confidently leads discovery workshops and pivots as needed to refocus efforts in a specific area based on project needs
Adapts discovery process to match budget, scope, and project goals
Experiments with new discovery methodologies when the project need arises
Learns about how content is created, who writes it, etc. (content governance)
Learns about and documents all technologies being used on a given project
Conducts competitive analysis
Works with the client to define KPIs

Level 4 Behaviors

Expertly decides which research and strategy activities to conduct based on budget, time, and goals
Is deeply knowledgeable of trends in our primary client industries (i.e. healthcare, higher education, government)
Is accountable for project planning and UX strategy resource adjustments based on information gathered during discovery
Develops Project Charter summary of findings from Discovery work for presentation to the client

Level 5 Behaviors

Sets the vision for Palantir’s Discovery approach and works with the team to identify needed pivots
Validates and adapts project shape for Palantir Strategy work as it evolves


Foundational Two




Research and Analysis


Conducts user research and analyzes data and inputs gathered during discovery in order to inform recommendations

Level 1 Behaviors

With the help of a more experienced team member, creates user testing plans for project
With the help of a more experienced team member, writes user testing scripts
Evaluates existing site content and opportunity areas, with the guidance of a more experienced team member
Evaluates how users currently use a site with various technologies (ie: Hotjar)
Participates in user research activities as a note-taker or observer

Level 2 Behaviors

Creates user testing plans and writes user testing scripts
Conducts user research activities such as interviews, surveys, tree tests and usability tests with the guidance of a more experienced team member
Analyzes results learned from user testing
Identifies for ways content to improve, either in structure or format, to better meet project goals
Analyzes user flows captured by various technologies

Level 3 Behaviors

Conducts user testing with a growing number of methodologies
Sets up online systems to learn how visitors are using the site
Gathers and analyzes data on current and potential information architecture structures
Identifies gaps and opportunities within existing content governance
Identifies patterns in site usage such as entrances, exits, high traffic areas
Chooses the highest value attribute to test in a given project

Level 4 Behaviors

Based on research, advises the client on KPIs for the project
Is experienced in a number of user testing methodologies, including in person, remote and automated testing
Adapts and evolves processes to any size budget and scope
Helps guide less experienced team members with testing and analysis
Independently conducts all aspects of complex user-research programs— from early-stage requirements to summative usability testing
Adapts user-research techniques to inform both new and ongoing, complex project initiatives

Level 5 Behaviors

Has expert knowledge of user experience practices, testing methodologies, site analytics
Can identify exact friction points in a project, whether it’s in UX design, content quality, content governance, information architecture or technical implementation
Designs complex, multi-faceted testing programs
Expertly conducts all stages of user research— including market analysis, requirements definition, early-to-mid-stage design validations, and summative usability--testing activities
Simultaneously plans and drives multiple user-research activities across widely divergent product domains
Develops and shares cross-industry research outside of Palantir via writings, presentations or panels


Foundational Three






Recommends improvements for project strategies, user experience, and information architecture within the framework of the project goals and informed by user research

Level 1 Behaviors

Provides a new sitemap, with the help of a more experienced team member
Recommends site changes to consider based on user testing
Creates support documents outlining recommendations for client

Level 2 Behaviors

Creates, presents and gets feedback on new sitemap and information architecture
Creates, presents and gets feedback on new taxonomies
Works with UX Designers to brainstorm and sketch key user flows
Identifies and communicates ways to change content strategy approach
Generates recommendations that match budget, scope, and project goals
Shares research findings both internally and with the client

Level 3 Behaviors

Helps client clarify site business goals
Helps client define site users’ needs and goals
Leads internal and client UX working sessions to explore new flows and page structure
Works with UX Designers to recommend improvements to highest value site experiences
Proficient in presentation tools used to clearly communicate recommendations and results
Effectively makes recommendations to client, through thoughtful explanation and education
Educates a client on a recommended strategy that supports the project goals, business model, and user needs
Contributes to functionality reviews and testing of design and development work
Confidently engages with the client, quickly cultivating trust and faith in expertise

Level 4 Behaviors

Helps client define project goals and offers suggestions for revisions based on domain insights
Provides ongoing feedback during design phase to ensure site supports overall strategy
Helps train client to build pages in a way that supports site strategy
Helps client define most meaningful KPIs and measurement plans based on site strategy
Works with UX Designers, FEDs and Engineers to define technical execution of the strategy
Develops content strategy, management, and governance plans
Raises concerns if strategy is getting off-track during execution
Mentors less experienced team members on how to guide and recommend solutions to a client

Level 5 Behaviors

Talks with client about content governance, sharing guidance for how to fill gaps or create better support for content teams
Thinks about project success beyond the life of the current client engagement and works with customer success teams to foster future opportunities
Persuades clients by advocating for the user which may lead to outcomes not originally conceived of by the client
Evaluates the quality of the execution of original strategy in design and development work
Expertly navigates stakeholder feedback (and/or pushback) on recommendations and works toward productive next steps


Foundational Four



System - Intro Text

The broad range of knowledge and expertise applicable to the system as a whole.

System Skills

Planning and Coordination


Planning and Coordination


Delivers well-scoped programs of work that meet their goals, on time, to budget, to deliver client value.

Level 1 Behaviors

Is learning how to break down and accurately estimate their own work
Works with more experienced teammates to set project goals and break down larger projects into discrete tasks
Reaches out to others in a timely manner when in need of help
Commits to and completes their work within expected time frame, holding themselves accountable
Understands how their work fits within the broader scope and objectives of a project
Delivers consistently good outcomes within project scope, following quality standards

Level 2 Behaviors

Consistently and accurately estimates the amount of time a given task will take
Is becoming more proficient with their ability to break down tasks, plan and estimate their assigned work, and propose scope changes in order to deliver on time
Prioritizes tasks in alignment with project goals
Defines and hits interim milestones
Realizes when progress toward desired results is stalling and takes action to get things back on track
Researches and considers alternative approaches
Devotes time to find the most effective ways to meet commitments

Level 3 Behaviors

Integrates business needs into project planning
Can smoothly and successfully execute an initiative, set milestones for a team, and proactively ensure all core goals are achieved even if plans need to be changed to do so
Prioritizes the most important work for the company, team, and client
Delegates tasks to others appropriately
Adapts and changes direction quickly based on shifting company and project needs
When working on more than one or a portfolio of projects, is constantly aware of the bigger picture and what impact it has on planning work and managing one’s time

Level 4 Behaviors

Successfully plans and executes projects involving multiple stakeholders and complex requirements, while prioritizing strategically
Leads teams of teams, and coordinates effective cross-functional collaboration
Manages dependencies on their other projects and team commitments
Helps define the vision for long-term projects and enable others to participate in their design and implementation
Is proactive in identifying and planning for needs both in the near- and long-term for Palantir and our clients
Provides clarity in order to prioritize the most important work for the project and the company
Leverages repeated project patterns of what’s working and works to mitigate what's not
Works at all levels of the organization to positively impact the team and deliver client value
Improves team inclusivity

Level 5 Behaviors

Plans and executes large, complex projects with interdependencies across teams and systems
Considers constraints, opportunities, and business objectives when planning
Successfully supports and guides others to make plans for complex efforts that start out with unclear or competing goals
Supports teams in making difficult decisions when there are multiple paths/options to take
Leads projects or initiatives that are critical to the future of Palantir


Delivering Planning


Communication and Co-Creation


Communication and Co-Creation


Focuses on teamwork, communication skills, asking for and receiving feedback, collaboration, and documentation.

Level 1 Behaviors

Communicates their work status clearly and effectively to internal team members and client stakeholders
Writes clear comments and documentation
Presents their work to the client with coaching
Is learning to work collaboratively on a self-organizing team and speak up in meetings
Proactively asks questions and reaches out for help to get unblocked
Voices concerns or need for clarification to their project teams and, if necessary, escalates concerns to discipline leaders or POD representatives
Is developing the ability to communicate complicated concepts simply and successfully to an audience unfamiliar with the subject matter
Accepts feedback graciously and learns from experience
Is learning about other disciplines at Palantir and how they deliver value to the team and to clients

Level 2 Behaviors

Communicates clearly at team and client-facing meetings (e.g., escalating blockers quickly, clarifying requirements, and sharing assumptions)
Adapts messages for a diverse audience, choosing appropriate tools and approaches for accurate and timely communication
Presents effectively to familiar audiences
Presents their work to the client without coaching
Takes initiative to lend their expertise as part of a self-organizing team

Level 3 Behaviors

Communicates issues, risks, and decisions clearly and proactively to a cross-functional audience, effectively managing conversations related to bad news or conflict
Builds cross-functional relationships with project team, chapter members, and clients
Seeks to understand other points of view
Engages in productive dialogue even when there are conflicting views, both inside and outside the team
Mastering the ability to communicate complicated concepts simply and successfully to ensure understanding and appropriate action.
Presents effectively to audiences both familiar and unfamiliar
Makes room for others on self-organizing teams and knows when to lend their expertise
Communicates complicated concepts simply and successfully to an audience unfamiliar with the subject matter

Level 4 Behaviors

Communicates complex concepts and issues and easily makes compelling presentations to sophisticated audiences
Works effectively with key stakeholders to solve problems, identify paths forward, and/or make critical project decisions
Deescalates conflicts and builds bridges between team members
Holds others and themselves accountable for their commitments and results
Spurs and facilitates meaningful discussion around complex issues
Offers insightful perspectives
Works towards consensus when making decisions, discerning what’s best for the project, client, and team
Takes initiative to help outside of direct responsibilities
Knows when to “step up or step back” on self-organizing teams

Level 5 Behaviors

Comfortably communicates and presents complex issues to diverse audiences inside and outside the company
Ensures productive communication among teams and stakeholders, including the right people at the right times
Proactively identifies and remedies communication gaps and issues
Is relied upon as one of the best communicators of complicated subjects, trade-offs, and difficult decisions
Clearly communicates company-level objectives and how they relate to experiments and initiatives


Delivering Communication






Exemplifies Palantir's values in order to create and collaborate in an open, diverse, and inclusive environment.

Level 1 Behaviors

Exhibits Palantir’s core values of collaboration, bringing out the best in each other—curiosity, thinking ahead, and accessibility
Brings their best self to work and makes space for others to do so as well
Treats clients and colleagues with respect
Takes responsibility for their own words and actions
Effectively deals with and understands opposing views and is open to learning from feedback
Objectively evaluates whether they’ve met their goals
Is viewed as a trustworthy team member who keeps their commitments

Level 2 Behaviors

Quickly integrates complicated information to identify strategies and solutions with the assistance of teammates and senior colleagues
Demonstrates keen insights into situations
Demonstrates a sense of agency
Accepts difficult tasks and gets right to work
Responds flexibly and strategically to ongoing change
Trusts teammates, assumes positive intent, and is able to disagree and commit
Is able to deliver their work despite inevitable distractions
Exhibits a growth mindset in regards to feedback

Level 3 Behaviors

Is aware of their own strengths and weaknesses
Helps others identify the desired results of their assignments
Gives thoughtful feedback as a domain expert
Adopts a proactive approach instead of a reactive one
Demonstrates critical inquiry
Demonstrates humility and patience
Promotes exploration and experimentation as a response to uncertainty
Leads/facilitates client presentations
Coaches others who need guidance presenting their work
Celebrates and shares success with the team

Level 4 Behaviors

Moves through the change curve with positivity and intention
Creates space for everyone at Palantir to contribute, supporting growth of team members
Uses their position to raise difficult issues on behalf of others

Level 5 Behaviors

Has a holistic vision of their role
Creates an organizational framework that facilitates a positive work environment
Helps others to move through the change curve, from resistors to adopters
Has energy and energizes those around them
Sets the tone and influences policies to further an open, diverse, and inclusive Palantir
Models professionalism and cultivates it in others


Delivering Professionalism






Challenges the status quo and takes ownership and initiative outside of mandated work.

Level 1 Behaviors

Is becoming comfortable owning small tasks, but proactively engages with more experienced teammates when tackling larger issues
Contributes their talent and expertise without prompting to achieve project results
Asks their team probing questions to understand other points of view

Level 2 Behaviors

Works efficiently and puts in the time and effort necessary to deliver great outcomes
Regularly leads smaller projects or tasks, but relies on more experienced teammates when working on major project investments
Seeks insights from others to help problem-solve project ambiguity
Proactively takes on executable tasks when blocked elsewhere
Proactively seeks help when blocked
Consistently delivers on reasonably well-defined projects

Level 3 Behaviors

Leads small and medium-sized projects
Takes ownership of tasks that nobody owns or wants
Seeks out others involved in a situation to learn their perspectives
Leaves things better than when they found them
Relied on to remove blockers for others
Demonstrates the ability to handle major tasks from definition through execution with consistently successful outcomes

Level 4 Behaviors

Takes on a leadership role of multiple, large projects or initiatives
Develops and tests new ways to solve systemic issues
Improves complicated organizational processes
Works with ambiguity and a growth mindset
Exemplifies grit and determination in the face of persistent obstacles
Is integral to major new company-wide initiatives
Seeks creative and innovative ways to improve and develop what they are doing
Effectively copes with change

Level 5 Behaviors

Champions and initiates new approaches and ideas to solve new classes of problems
Initiates major new company-wide initiatives
Galvanizes the entire company and garners buy-in for new strategies
Improves complex organizational processes
Defines policies for the company that encourage quality work and maximize client value
Identifies and eliminates single points of failure throughout the organization
Secures time and resources from executive leadership to deliver great quality


Strengthening Initiative


Learning and Career Development


Learning and Career Development


Seeks opportunities to further their career and provides strategic support to others to help them build the careers they want.

Level 1 Behaviors

Shares their career and professional development interests and goals with their POD
Takes advantage of professional development opportunities
Shares opportunities for improvements and recognizes achievements for themselves and others
Shares learnings from previous projects with project teams
Collects and delivers feedback in a timely, constructive manner

Level 2 Behaviors

Embraces big challenges as opportunities for growth and learning
Helps a group member have an appropriate role on the team
Understands and can communicate the value of the work done by each of their coworkers on the project
Pursues learning goals on project teams
Contributes to Palantir’s sustainable and repeatable processes by sharing knowledge (e.g., through blog posts, contributing to Playbooks, etc.)
Works closely with others to help them learn new skills or continue to improve skills
Seeks feedback to improve and receives it well. Give timely, helpful feedback to peers

Level 3 Behaviors

Advocates for aligning people with appropriate roles within organization
May participate in the hiring process, meeting with candidates and offering thoughts to the discipline/hiring lead
Fosters a psychologically safe environment for dialogue and learning
Helps others achieve learning goals on project teams

Level 4 Behaviors

Facilitates conversations that are aimed at co-creation
Is a POD representative successful at fulfilling those duties
Helps the team plan and implement discipline-related learning activities
Discusses career paths and helps create plans for others' professional growth
Advocates for aligning people with appropriate roles within organization
Elevates emerging leaders

Level 5 Behaviors

Identifies leadership development opportunities for senior leadership
Pushes everyone to be as good as they can be, with empathy
Provides coaching to group leaders
Supports and develops senior leaders
Serves as an advisor to company leaders


Strengthening Learning


Mentorship and Coaching


Mentorship and Coaching


Provides support to others, spreads knowledge, and develops the team outside formal reporting structures.

Level 1 Behaviors

Asks for support and advice
Open to giving and receiving feedback
Is reflective about their experiences
Comfortable sharing their opinions and experiences to further a project team’s health
Acts as an onboarding buddy

Level 2 Behaviors

Takes time to understand and explain concepts and best practices
Helps others identify the desired results of their assignments
Makes themself available for informal support and advice
Provides sound advice when asked
Offers unprompted feedback to help growth, with empathy
Avoids siloing information when it can be usefully shared with others
Finds ways to ramp up and engage new team members
Creates space for people to talk through challenges
Acts as a positive role model

Level 3 Behaviors

Holds others accountable for their commitments, results, and successful outcomes
Asks questions to illuminate concepts, rather than stating them
Uses lessons learned to guide individuals and teams
Finds approaches that work best for a team member's personality
Brings resources, critical readings, opportunities, or experiences to the attention of others
Acts as a sounding board for peers and more junior team members
Provides help on how to have difficult conversations
Knows the difference between mentoring and coaching
Gives feedback that describes the situation, behavior, and impact (SBI model)
Asks powerful, open-ended questions to help other problem solve and envision future states

Level 4 Behaviors

Identifies gaps in team learning/knowledge and finds ways to bridge those gaps
Models positive mentoring and teaching behaviors
Provides discipline/cohort support and/or facilitation
Exhibits enthusiasm for sharing their knowledge and expertise
Helps individuals find new and challenging opportunities within the organization
Helps individuals maintain resilience in periods of change
Shares knowledge and expertise with the team through formal mentoring and coaching

Level 5 Behaviors

Helps others maximize their potential through mentorship and coaching
Empowers team members to develop themselves
Leads others through change, providing scaffolding to empower and support others
Models productive and healthy mentor relationships
Seeks out experiments and innovative learning practices that are beneficial to and to Palantir
Helps individuals to move out of their comfort zone and try new things
Is a sought after coach and mentor


Strengthening Mentorship


Navigating Complexity


Navigating Complexity


Able to function and adapt behaviors in Cynefin complexity domains to deliver client value.

Level 1 Behaviors

Understands the difference between complexity domains (i.e. obvious, complicated, complex, chaos, disorder)
Operates successfully in obvious domain with little or no supervision
Is gaining an understanding of and experience with best practices (the complicated domain)
Once made aware, adjusts approach to meet client needs in a changing system

Level 2 Behaviors

Knows in which complexity domain (obvious, complicated, complex, chaos, disorder) they are working
Operates successfully in complicated domain with little or no supervision
Identifies and deals with complicated situations to provide the best possible solutions
Applies best practices to the situation at hand (the complicated domain)
Adjusts approach to meet client needs in a changing system between the obvious and complicated domains
Recognizes when in the complex, chaotic or disorderly domains and brings it to the attention of project leaders to seek their assistance

Level 3 Behaviors

Guides others to understand in which complexity domain (obvious, complicated, complex, chaos, disorder) they are working
Operates successfully in complex domain with little or no supervision
Identifies “known unknowns”
Adapts best practices when called for in the complicated domain
Able to adjust approach to meet client needs in a changing system between the complicated and complex domains
Recognizes when in the complex domain and able to make recommendations to the internal and client teams
When in a leadership role on a project, does not micromanage other team members and is able to guide them through solutions to issues that arise in the obvious, complicated, and complex domains

Level 4 Behaviors

Investigates issues as they arise in order to respond appropriately
In the complicated domain, chooses between multiple “right” answers to the problem at hand and provide rationale for the decision(s)
Has a reservoir of experiences in complicated and complex situations from which to draw when answers are not clear
Coaches others to find creative solutions to complex problems
High tolerance for risk
Holds and shares relevant industry leading practices
Understands and shares institutional knowledge
Seeks to cultivate innovation in the face of uncertainty, both internally and externally
Offers new perspectives to overcome complexity constraints
Selects systems thinking approaches to fit with the level of complexity and the nature of the environment
When faced with uncertainty, uses an inclusive leadership approach and does not revert to traditional command and control methods

Level 5 Behaviors

Makes sense of complex data and inputs
Guides others in the complex domain to choose between multiple “right” answers to the problem at hand and provide rationale for the decision(s)
Builds the capacity in others to cope with complexity and chaos
Functions at a high level when faced with “unknown unknowns”
Sought after resource and expert in complex situations when answers are not clear
When faced with chaos, realizes their management style needs to change and is able to make difficult decisions with little information


Supporting Complexity


Client Value


Client Value


Delivers consistent value for the client at every step of a project.

Level 1 Behaviors

Understands the difference between Palantir service lines
Ensures that they are meeting team expectations on ticketed work
When they see an issue that would impede delivering client value, they raise the issue to project leadership
Offers solutions to project leadership when issues arise
Asks focused, relevant questions of the client and the team
Demonstrates active listening skills

Level 2 Behaviors

Is aware of the three types of consulting (i.e. Expert, Collaborative, Pair of Hands) and knows in which one they are operating
Helps others identify solutions to client issues that arise
Able to articulate the “why” or rationale behind each ticket/task on which they are working
Understands the project’s KPIs (Key Performance Indicators) and works towards implementing solutions in support of them
Contributes questions to the discovery process that reveal espoused v. actual need
Leverages learnings from previous projects to benefit the team and the client
Presents their own work
Understands their communication style and is aware of the styles of others

Level 3 Behaviors

Guides a portion of and/or designs and leads the discovery process
Guides the client throughout the project to ensure work product is geared towards solving their unique problems
Contributes KPIs and/or goals for the project based on data gleaned during the discovery phase
Anticipates unusual issues and problems, taking steps to minimize impact on outcomes
Through conversation and high-quality work, builds trust with the client in a sincere and authentic manner
Is viewed as a reliable resource to the client in their area of expertise
Guides others to make successful client presentations
Is self-aware and is able to adapt their communication style to meet the needs of the client

Level 4 Behaviors

Defines the client’s unique business problem
Is viewed by the client as an expert in their cohort/area of expertise
Sets up other team members for success on the project helping them get their expertise used to deliver value
Coaches the client to be self-sufficient when appropriate
Has successful, difficult conversations with the client that amicably resolve the issue in a way that benefits Palantir and the client

Level 5 Behaviors

Coaches those designing and leading the discovery process
Coaches those defining the client’s unique business problem and guiding client in solving it
Seeks out situations that are complex and guides others to find innovative solutions
Guides others to have successful, difficult conversations with the client
Bases authority on experience, knowledge and relationship building, not position in the company


Supporting Value


New Business Development


New Business Development


Contributes to new business development by delivering value on projects and participating in Palantir sales and marketing efforts.

Level 1 Behaviors

Completes their work on time and within scope
Draws attention to blockers so that the team can help resolve or mitigate them
Understands the difference between a consultancy and an agency and approaches work with the mindset of a consultant
Is trusted by team members to deliver high quality work on time and on budget

Level 2 Behaviors

Identifies opportunities for project growth and alerts project leadership
Understands the SOW (Statement of Work) and how their role and expertise fits in the project
Articulates their own reasons for how Palantir differs from the competition
Writes blog posts

Level 3 Behaviors

Writes proposals for project extensions
Lends expertise to develop sales and marketing tools (e.g., validate and shape proposals, support ot, development of pitch decks, proposals, etc.)
Participates in new business pitch meetings
Attends conferences on behalf of Palantir and participates in speaking to current and prospective clients

Level 4 Behaviors

Is in a leadership role on projects
Writes case studies
Writes large estimates and/or proposals; determines a project’s size and shape
Speaks at events where current and potential clients are in attendance
Participates in / leads efforts to transition clients between service lines
Identifies opportunities to pursue new types of projects/work
Plays a significant/leadership role in landing new business
Fosters ongoing relationships with clients

Level 5 Behaviors

Works with the sales team to co-create strategic approach to pitches
Conceives of new products and/or service lines
Develops brand and marketing strategy for Palantir
Negotiates contracting terms
Acts as an expert resource to the estimating team


Supporting Business



Project Management

Foundational - Intro Text

The depth of knowledge and expertise in a particular area of execution (i.e. engineering, project management, etc.).

Foundational Skills


Project Management Foundations


Develops expertise and proficiency in our project management practice, with solid understanding of relevant areas

Level 1 Behaviors

Is building proficiency in our project management practice
Has working knowledge of our project management tool set
Measures project performance using appropriate tools and techniques
Responds promptly to client inquiries and requests, and proactively communicates to both clients and team members about project scheduling
Organizes agreements, budgets, scope of work, and timelines for the project teams to easily and efficiently reference
Creates timelines to manage the project as outlined in the scope of work (SOW)
Manages to the budget outlined in the scope of work (SOW)
Works within the given parameters outlined in the project’s scope of work (SOW)
Facilitates team through Agile practices, including daily scrums, backlog planning, sprint planning, and retrospectives

Level 2 Behaviors

Is strengthening proficiency in our project management practice
Defines project management work for themselves (self-directed)
Is able to develop comprehensive project plans with assistance of more experienced project managers
Closely monitors projects to ensure that they maintain the timeline and are within scope and budget constraints
Develops a detailed project plan to monitor and track progress
Monitors client satisfaction
Presents budgets, scope of work, and timelines to the appropriate stakeholders
Monitors and communicates gaps in achieving the agreements, budgets, scope of work, and timelines
Monitors the project workstream and checks in with team members if their tickets aren’t being tracked or completed in a timely fashion.
Provides leadership by customizing project status reports to meet stakeholder needs/preferences
Creates and maintains comprehensive project documentation and presents it to the appropriate stakeholders
Knows the differences between UX, UI and Engineering work, understanding their cadences and deliverables
Supports team members in ticketed work when budget and opportunity allow (e.g., QA, participating in UX sessions, etc.)

Level 3 Behaviors

Establishes and promote best practices and standards in our project management practice
Partners with the PO to translate project goals into a project plan that maximizes Palantir's expertise and resourcing to deliver value to the client
Accommodates project constraints in regards to resources, budget, time, and scope in order to meet desired outcomes
Actively manages changes to the project scope, budget, and timeline using appropriate verification techniques
Partners with the PO to delegate project tasks to teammates considering their individual strengths, skill sets, and experience levels
Is well-versed with project management methodologies and tools
Provides necessary context for the team so that team members can understand their roles on the project and tackle their tasks efficiently
Sets and continually manages project expectations while delegating and managing deliverables with team members and stakeholders
Develops new plays in their area of expertise
Tracks project benefits realization and lessons learned to feed into ongoing improvements

Level 4 Behaviors

As a project team lead, shares management of the difficult client relationship conversations with the other members of the client success team (having difficult conversations)
Helps the client and team define success criteria and disseminates these to involved parties throughout the project and program life cycle
Elevates the project management discipline by establishing practices, templates, policies, tools, and partnerships Streamlines and level-sets project management practices across the different service lines
Keeps an eye on latest strategies, tools, and terminologies used in project management worldwide
Mentors and coaches project management cohort
Is incredibly knowledgeable in their area of expertise recognized by industry experts/leaders outside of Palantir
Facilitates the creation and internal drafts of SOWs / Contracts

Level 5 Behaviors

Manages dilemmas and paradoxes as they occur throughout the project life cycle by identifying and communicating trade-offs to key stakeholders
Approves SOWs/Contracts
Is a leader and contributor in the broader organization
Designs industry-leading techniques to solve complex problems


Foundational One






Comprehends the processes and activities to identify, define, combine, unify, and coordinate the various elements within project management such as scope, budget, timelines, and resources

Level 1 Behaviors

Understands all project agreements, budgets, scopes of work, and timelines
With guidance, creates and maintains comprehensive project documentation
With guidance, creates and maintains a high-level project schedule with major milestones, and makes sure that the schedule is visible and accessible to the project team and client
With guidance, monitors and communicates project progress against scope, quality, time, and cost baselines, including approved changes
With guidance, creates and monitors project progress with the team and plans for how much work will be completed in each sprint using point budgets
Updates the resource forecasting tool for all members of the team, based on project needs and budget limits, on a consistent and timely basis
Ensures resource availability and allocation
Ensures that team members have awareness of and visibility into the amount of time they are resourced to the project each week
Monitors the billing schedule, and makes that schedule visible and accessible to the financial team and client

Level 2 Behaviors

Without guidance, creates and maintains a high-level project schedule with major milestones, and makes sure that the schedule is visible and accessible to the project team and client
Without guidance, monitors and communicates project progress against scope, quality, time, and cost baselines, including approved changes
Without guidance, creates and monitors project progress with the team and plans for how much work will be completed in each sprint using point budgets
Ensures that the project has a defined, documented and estimated scope of work that fits within the budget
Ensures any scope changes remain within the budget or ensures a change order is pursued
Monitors and communicates project progress against scope, quality, time, and cost baselines, including approved changes
Creates and maintains a high-level project schedule with major milestones, and makes that schedule visible and accessible to the project team and client
Assess and communicates project impacts (e.g., adjusted schedule, budget, scope) when a team member or client identifies an issue or constraint (e.g., team velocity drops/rises, client misses deadlines, etc.)

Level 3 Behaviors

Develops a detailed project plan, based on delivering value to the client, to monitor and track progress against
Identifies when project constraints shift, and adjusts the project plan based on new information (ex: team velocity drops/rises, client misses deadlines)
Assists in the definition of project scope and objectives, involving all relevant stakeholders and ensuring technical feasibility
Manages project progress against scope, quality, time, and cost baselines, including approved changes
Facilitates client conversations to categorize features in priority order
Partners with the appropriate team members to ensure that changes to the project are tangible, strategic, and achievable
Documents project needs in a consumable and effective way (e.g., spreadsheets, diagrams, process maps)
Partners with the appropriate team members to ensure that changes fit within the project strategy and desired outcomes
Establishes a completion plan that includes all aspects of delivery of project outcomes across the entire project life cycle
Discusses the standard project process with the team and client, in order to ensure that timelines, schedules, and milestones reflect the appropriate path for the project to follow

Level 4 Behaviors

Establishes best practices on how to create and maintain a high-level project schedule with major milestones, and makes sure that the schedule is visible and accessible to the project team and client
Establishes best practices on how to monitor and communicate project progress against scope, quality, time, and cost baselines, including approved changes
Leads discussions to review and finalize scope change requests
Coaches others on effective project planning
Partners with the appropriate team members to ensure that the finished project is strategically beneficial to the client
Defends product integrity from misinformed decision-making both internally and externally

Level 5 Behaviors

Understands what it means to run a business-driven project management plan—from strategy through execution to the realization of business benefits—centered on the client
Plans and monitors company-level projects.
Assists in dispute negotiation, arbitration, or litigation, as needed


Foundational Two




Risk Mitigation


Comprehends the ability to conduct risk planning, identification, analysis, and response planning and controlling risk on a project

Level 1 Behaviors

Participates in ongoing risk assessments with guidance
Determines which risks may affect the project and documents the specifics with assistance of a senior team member
Actively seeks to understand and document potential consequences of risks as they occur
Ensures that mitigation plans are put in place for prioritized project risks
Maintains awareness and visibility of the risks to the client and team throughout the course of the project

Level 2 Behaviors

Conducts ongoing risk assessments with guidance
Understands and documents potential consequences of risks as they occur
Monitors and communicates status of project risks with guidance
Prioritizes risks for further analysis or action by assessing their probabilities of occurrence and impact
Ensures that the client is aware of the risks and understands their consequences, along with the mitigation plans for each of the risks
Oversees and guides the risk analysis process and the development of risk responses

Level 3 Behaviors

Prioritizes risks for further analysis or action by assessing their probabilities of occurrence and impact
Develops options and actions to enhance opportunities and reduce threats to project objectives
Initiates risk response plans when necessary
Drives and leads creative actions to enhance opportunities and reduce threats to project objectives
Proactively handles project risks by identifying potential complications and conflicts and creating/implementing timely mitigation strategies

Level 4 Behaviors

Develops best practices for guidance and direction on how risks will be managed across the discipline
Coaches teammates and project teams on effective risk mitigation practices
Clearly articulates project risks to the client, including their negative impact on the company’s overall business

Level 5 Behaviors

Expertly conducts all stages of risk mitigation—including planning, identification, analysis, and response
Applies risk mitigation strategies to company-level processes/practices


Foundational Three






Comprehends the effective exchanges of accurate, appropriate, and relevant information with stakeholders

Level 1 Behaviors

Actively listens to and understands stakeholders' needs, interests, and influences in order to achieve project success
Develops and adapts communication strategies with guidance
Provides accurate and factual information in a concise manner
Participates in responses to issues and concerns

Level 2 Behaviors

Effectively summarizes key points and issues in a clear and concise manner
Adapts communication style, messages, and tools to meet the needs of stakeholders
Develops and maintains project tracking, dashboards, and information systems
Proactively responds to issues and concerns
Engages with team members when developing project progress reports, analyzing issues and potential paths forward, and removing blockers to work

Level 3 Behaviors

Engages with stakeholders proactively
Establishes regular, meaningful interactions with stakeholder
Appropriately matches level of formality to meetings and audience
Regularly conducts follow-up with stakeholders
Seeks validation of information
Balances speed of provision of information against reliability of information
Provides feedback on templates and guidelines, including examples and methods based on experiences and lessons learned
Evaluates, develops, and executes responses to provide an appropriate level of information to stakeholders and maintain their engagement throughout project life cycle

Level 4 Behaviors

Establishes best practices in effectively communicating key information about project plan status, budget and timeline.
Has difficult conversations with the client around schedule, budget, and risk and is able to resolve the issue amicably
Builds processes and structures to ensure the transfer of information that influences strategic decisions and produces foundations for new project management capabilities
Continually seeks new information to assess the effectiveness of our project management practice
Uses appropriate channels internally to disseminate company/practice information

Level 5 Behaviors

Presents complex company information in digestible ways
Improves company-wide information communication channels


Foundational Four



System - Intro Text

The broad range of knowledge and expertise applicable to the system as a whole.

System Skills

Planning and Coordination


Planning and Coordination


Delivers well-scoped programs of work that meet their goals, on time, to budget, to deliver client value.

Level 1 Behaviors

Is learning how to break down and accurately estimate their own work
Works with more experienced teammates to set project goals and break down larger projects into discrete tasks
Reaches out to others in a timely manner when in need of help
Commits to and completes their work within expected time frame, holding themselves accountable
Understands how their work fits within the broader scope and objectives of a project
Delivers consistently good outcomes within project scope, following quality standards

Level 2 Behaviors

Consistently and accurately estimates the amount of time a given task will take
Is becoming more proficient with their ability to break down tasks, plan and estimate their assigned work, and propose scope changes in order to deliver on time
Prioritizes tasks in alignment with project goals
Defines and hits interim milestones
Realizes when progress toward desired results is stalling and takes action to get things back on track
Researches and considers alternative approaches
Devotes time to find the most effective ways to meet commitments

Level 3 Behaviors

Integrates business needs into project planning
Can smoothly and successfully execute an initiative, set milestones for a team, and proactively ensure all core goals are achieved even if plans need to be changed to do so
Prioritizes the most important work for the company, team, and client
Delegates tasks to others appropriately
Adapts and changes direction quickly based on shifting company and project needs
When working on more than one or a portfolio of projects, is constantly aware of the bigger picture and what impact it has on planning work and managing one’s time

Level 4 Behaviors

Successfully plans and executes projects involving multiple stakeholders and complex requirements, while prioritizing strategically
Leads teams of teams, and coordinates effective cross-functional collaboration
Manages dependencies on their other projects and team commitments
Helps define the vision for long-term projects and enable others to participate in their design and implementation
Is proactive in identifying and planning for needs both in the near- and long-term for Palantir and our clients
Provides clarity in order to prioritize the most important work for the project and the company
Leverages repeated project patterns of what’s working and works to mitigate what's not
Works at all levels of the organization to positively impact the team and deliver client value
Improves team inclusivity

Level 5 Behaviors

Plans and executes large, complex projects with interdependencies across teams and systems
Considers constraints, opportunities, and business objectives when planning
Successfully supports and guides others to make plans for complex efforts that start out with unclear or competing goals
Supports teams in making difficult decisions when there are multiple paths/options to take
Leads projects or initiatives that are critical to the future of Palantir


Delivering Planning


Communication and Co-Creation


Communication and Co-Creation


Focuses on teamwork, communication skills, asking for and receiving feedback, collaboration, and documentation.

Level 1 Behaviors

Communicates their work status clearly and effectively to internal team members and client stakeholders
Writes clear comments and documentation
Presents their work to the client with coaching
Is learning to work collaboratively on a self-organizing team and speak up in meetings
Proactively asks questions and reaches out for help to get unblocked
Voices concerns or need for clarification to their project teams and, if necessary, escalates concerns to discipline leaders or POD representatives
Is developing the ability to communicate complicated concepts simply and successfully to an audience unfamiliar with the subject matter
Accepts feedback graciously and learns from experience
Is learning about other disciplines at Palantir and how they deliver value to the team and to clients

Level 2 Behaviors

Communicates clearly at team and client-facing meetings (e.g., escalating blockers quickly, clarifying requirements, and sharing assumptions)
Adapts messages for a diverse audience, choosing appropriate tools and approaches for accurate and timely communication
Presents effectively to familiar audiences
Presents their work to the client without coaching
Takes initiative to lend their expertise as part of a self-organizing team

Level 3 Behaviors

Communicates issues, risks, and decisions clearly and proactively to a cross-functional audience, effectively managing conversations related to bad news or conflict
Builds cross-functional relationships with project team, chapter members, and clients
Seeks to understand other points of view
Engages in productive dialogue even when there are conflicting views, both inside and outside the team
Mastering the ability to communicate complicated concepts simply and successfully to ensure understanding and appropriate action.
Presents effectively to audiences both familiar and unfamiliar
Makes room for others on self-organizing teams and knows when to lend their expertise
Communicates complicated concepts simply and successfully to an audience unfamiliar with the subject matter

Level 4 Behaviors

Communicates complex concepts and issues and easily makes compelling presentations to sophisticated audiences
Works effectively with key stakeholders to solve problems, identify paths forward, and/or make critical project decisions
Deescalates conflicts and builds bridges between team members
Holds others and themselves accountable for their commitments and results
Spurs and facilitates meaningful discussion around complex issues
Offers insightful perspectives
Works towards consensus when making decisions, discerning what’s best for the project, client, and team
Takes initiative to help outside of direct responsibilities
Knows when to “step up or step back” on self-organizing teams

Level 5 Behaviors

Comfortably communicates and presents complex issues to diverse audiences inside and outside the company
Ensures productive communication among teams and stakeholders, including the right people at the right times
Proactively identifies and remedies communication gaps and issues
Is relied upon as one of the best communicators of complicated subjects, trade-offs, and difficult decisions
Clearly communicates company-level objectives and how they relate to experiments and initiatives


Delivering Communication






Exemplifies Palantir's values in order to create and collaborate in an open, diverse, and inclusive environment.

Level 1 Behaviors

Exhibits Palantir’s core values of collaboration, bringing out the best in each other—curiosity, thinking ahead, and accessibility
Brings their best self to work and makes space for others to do so as well
Treats clients and colleagues with respect
Takes responsibility for their own words and actions
Effectively deals with and understands opposing views and is open to learning from feedback
Objectively evaluates whether they’ve met their goals
Is viewed as a trustworthy team member who keeps their commitments

Level 2 Behaviors

Quickly integrates complicated information to identify strategies and solutions with the assistance of teammates and senior colleagues
Demonstrates keen insights into situations
Demonstrates a sense of agency
Accepts difficult tasks and gets right to work
Responds flexibly and strategically to ongoing change
Trusts teammates, assumes positive intent, and is able to disagree and commit
Is able to deliver their work despite inevitable distractions
Exhibits a growth mindset in regards to feedback

Level 3 Behaviors

Is aware of their own strengths and weaknesses
Helps others identify the desired results of their assignments
Gives thoughtful feedback as a domain expert
Adopts a proactive approach instead of a reactive one
Demonstrates critical inquiry
Demonstrates humility and patience
Promotes exploration and experimentation as a response to uncertainty
Leads/facilitates client presentations
Coaches others who need guidance presenting their work
Celebrates and shares success with the team

Level 4 Behaviors

Moves through the change curve with positivity and intention
Creates space for everyone at Palantir to contribute, supporting growth of team members
Uses their position to raise difficult issues on behalf of others

Level 5 Behaviors

Has a holistic vision of their role
Creates an organizational framework that facilitates a positive work environment
Helps others to move through the change curve, from resistors to adopters
Has energy and energizes those around them
Sets the tone and influences policies to further an open, diverse, and inclusive Palantir
Models professionalism and cultivates it in others


Delivering Professionalism






Challenges the status quo and takes ownership and initiative outside of mandated work.

Level 1 Behaviors

Is becoming comfortable owning small tasks, but proactively engages with more experienced teammates when tackling larger issues
Contributes their talent and expertise without prompting to achieve project results
Asks their team probing questions to understand other points of view

Level 2 Behaviors

Works efficiently and puts in the time and effort necessary to deliver great outcomes
Regularly leads smaller projects or tasks, but relies on more experienced teammates when working on major project investments
Seeks insights from others to help problem-solve project ambiguity
Proactively takes on executable tasks when blocked elsewhere
Proactively seeks help when blocked
Consistently delivers on reasonably well-defined projects

Level 3 Behaviors

Leads small and medium-sized projects
Takes ownership of tasks that nobody owns or wants
Seeks out others involved in a situation to learn their perspectives
Leaves things better than when they found them
Relied on to remove blockers for others
Demonstrates the ability to handle major tasks from definition through execution with consistently successful outcomes

Level 4 Behaviors

Takes on a leadership role of multiple, large projects or initiatives
Develops and tests new ways to solve systemic issues
Improves complicated organizational processes
Works with ambiguity and a growth mindset
Exemplifies grit and determination in the face of persistent obstacles
Is integral to major new company-wide initiatives
Seeks creative and innovative ways to improve and develop what they are doing
Effectively copes with change

Level 5 Behaviors

Champions and initiates new approaches and ideas to solve new classes of problems
Initiates major new company-wide initiatives
Galvanizes the entire company and garners buy-in for new strategies
Improves complex organizational processes
Defines policies for the company that encourage quality work and maximize client value
Identifies and eliminates single points of failure throughout the organization
Secures time and resources from executive leadership to deliver great quality


Strengthening Initiative


Learning and Career Development


Learning and Career Development


Seeks opportunities to further their career and provides strategic support to others to help them build the careers they want.

Level 1 Behaviors

Shares their career and professional development interests and goals with their POD
Takes advantage of professional development opportunities
Shares opportunities for improvements and recognizes achievements for themselves and others
Shares learnings from previous projects with project teams
Collects and delivers feedback in a timely, constructive manner

Level 2 Behaviors

Embraces big challenges as opportunities for growth and learning
Helps a group member have an appropriate role on the team
Understands and can communicate the value of the work done by each of their coworkers on the project
Pursues learning goals on project teams
Contributes to Palantir’s sustainable and repeatable processes by sharing knowledge (e.g., through blog posts, contributing to Playbooks, etc.)
Works closely with others to help them learn new skills or continue to improve skills
Seeks feedback to improve and receives it well. Give timely, helpful feedback to peers

Level 3 Behaviors

Advocates for aligning people with appropriate roles within organization
May participate in the hiring process, meeting with candidates and offering thoughts to the discipline/hiring lead
Fosters a psychologically safe environment for dialogue and learning
Helps others achieve learning goals on project teams

Level 4 Behaviors

Facilitates conversations that are aimed at co-creation
Is a POD representative successful at fulfilling those duties
Helps the team plan and implement discipline-related learning activities
Discusses career paths and helps create plans for others' professional growth
Advocates for aligning people with appropriate roles within organization
Elevates emerging leaders

Level 5 Behaviors

Identifies leadership development opportunities for senior leadership
Pushes everyone to be as good as they can be, with empathy
Provides coaching to group leaders
Supports and develops senior leaders
Serves as an advisor to company leaders


Strengthening Learning


Mentorship and Coaching


Mentorship and Coaching


Provides support to others, spreads knowledge, and develops the team outside formal reporting structures.

Level 1 Behaviors

Asks for support and advice
Open to giving and receiving feedback
Is reflective about their experiences
Comfortable sharing their opinions and experiences to further a project team’s health
Acts as an onboarding buddy

Level 2 Behaviors

Takes time to understand and explain concepts and best practices
Helps others identify the desired results of their assignments
Makes themself available for informal support and advice
Provides sound advice when asked
Offers unprompted feedback to help growth, with empathy
Avoids siloing information when it can be usefully shared with others
Finds ways to ramp up and engage new team members
Creates space for people to talk through challenges
Acts as a positive role model

Level 3 Behaviors

Holds others accountable for their commitments, results, and successful outcomes
Asks questions to illuminate concepts, rather than stating them
Uses lessons learned to guide individuals and teams
Finds approaches that work best for a team member's personality
Brings resources, critical readings, opportunities, or experiences to the attention of others
Acts as a sounding board for peers and more junior team members
Provides help on how to have difficult conversations
Knows the difference between mentoring and coaching
Gives feedback that describes the situation, behavior, and impact (SBI model)
Asks powerful, open-ended questions to help other problem solve and envision future states

Level 4 Behaviors

Identifies gaps in team learning/knowledge and finds ways to bridge those gaps
Models positive mentoring and teaching behaviors
Provides discipline/cohort support and/or facilitation
Exhibits enthusiasm for sharing their knowledge and expertise
Helps individuals find new and challenging opportunities within the organization
Helps individuals maintain resilience in periods of change
Shares knowledge and expertise with the team through formal mentoring and coaching

Level 5 Behaviors

Helps others maximize their potential through mentorship and coaching
Empowers team members to develop themselves
Leads others through change, providing scaffolding to empower and support others
Models productive and healthy mentor relationships
Seeks out experiments and innovative learning practices that are beneficial to and to Palantir
Helps individuals to move out of their comfort zone and try new things
Is a sought after coach and mentor


Strengthening Mentorship


Navigating Complexity


Navigating Complexity


Able to function and adapt behaviors in Cynefin complexity domains to deliver client value.

Level 1 Behaviors

Understands the difference between complexity domains (i.e. obvious, complicated, complex, chaos, disorder)
Operates successfully in obvious domain with little or no supervision
Is gaining an understanding of and experience with best practices (the complicated domain)
Once made aware, adjusts approach to meet client needs in a changing system

Level 2 Behaviors

Knows in which complexity domain (obvious, complicated, complex, chaos, disorder) they are working
Operates successfully in complicated domain with little or no supervision
Identifies and deals with complicated situations to provide the best possible solutions
Applies best practices to the situation at hand (the complicated domain)
Adjusts approach to meet client needs in a changing system between the obvious and complicated domains
Recognizes when in the complex, chaotic or disorderly domains and brings it to the attention of project leaders to seek their assistance

Level 3 Behaviors

Guides others to understand in which complexity domain (obvious, complicated, complex, chaos, disorder) they are working
Operates successfully in complex domain with little or no supervision
Identifies “known unknowns”
Adapts best practices when called for in the complicated domain
Able to adjust approach to meet client needs in a changing system between the complicated and complex domains
Recognizes when in the complex domain and able to make recommendations to the internal and client teams
When in a leadership role on a project, does not micromanage other team members and is able to guide them through solutions to issues that arise in the obvious, complicated, and complex domains

Level 4 Behaviors

Investigates issues as they arise in order to respond appropriately
In the complicated domain, chooses between multiple “right” answers to the problem at hand and provide rationale for the decision(s)
Has a reservoir of experiences in complicated and complex situations from which to draw when answers are not clear
Coaches others to find creative solutions to complex problems
High tolerance for risk
Holds and shares relevant industry leading practices
Understands and shares institutional knowledge
Seeks to cultivate innovation in the face of uncertainty, both internally and externally
Offers new perspectives to overcome complexity constraints
Selects systems thinking approaches to fit with the level of complexity and the nature of the environment
When faced with uncertainty, uses an inclusive leadership approach and does not revert to traditional command and control methods

Level 5 Behaviors

Makes sense of complex data and inputs
Guides others in the complex domain to choose between multiple “right” answers to the problem at hand and provide rationale for the decision(s)
Builds the capacity in others to cope with complexity and chaos
Functions at a high level when faced with “unknown unknowns”
Sought after resource and expert in complex situations when answers are not clear
When faced with chaos, realizes their management style needs to change and is able to make difficult decisions with little information


Supporting Complexity


Client Value


Client Value


Delivers consistent value for the client at every step of a project.

Level 1 Behaviors

Understands the difference between Palantir service lines
Ensures that they are meeting team expectations on ticketed work
When they see an issue that would impede delivering client value, they raise the issue to project leadership
Offers solutions to project leadership when issues arise
Asks focused, relevant questions of the client and the team
Demonstrates active listening skills

Level 2 Behaviors

Is aware of the three types of consulting (i.e. Expert, Collaborative, Pair of Hands) and knows in which one they are operating
Helps others identify solutions to client issues that arise
Able to articulate the “why” or rationale behind each ticket/task on which they are working
Understands the project’s KPIs (Key Performance Indicators) and works towards implementing solutions in support of them
Contributes questions to the discovery process that reveal espoused v. actual need
Leverages learnings from previous projects to benefit the team and the client
Presents their own work
Understands their communication style and is aware of the styles of others

Level 3 Behaviors

Guides a portion of and/or designs and leads the discovery process
Guides the client throughout the project to ensure work product is geared towards solving their unique problems
Contributes KPIs and/or goals for the project based on data gleaned during the discovery phase
Anticipates unusual issues and problems, taking steps to minimize impact on outcomes
Through conversation and high-quality work, builds trust with the client in a sincere and authentic manner
Is viewed as a reliable resource to the client in their area of expertise
Guides others to make successful client presentations
Is self-aware and is able to adapt their communication style to meet the needs of the client

Level 4 Behaviors

Defines the client’s unique business problem
Is viewed by the client as an expert in their cohort/area of expertise
Sets up other team members for success on the project helping them get their expertise used to deliver value
Coaches the client to be self-sufficient when appropriate
Has successful, difficult conversations with the client that amicably resolve the issue in a way that benefits Palantir and the client

Level 5 Behaviors

Coaches those designing and leading the discovery process
Coaches those defining the client’s unique business problem and guiding client in solving it
Seeks out situations that are complex and guides others to find innovative solutions
Guides others to have successful, difficult conversations with the client
Bases authority on experience, knowledge and relationship building, not position in the company


Supporting Value


New Business Development


New Business Development


Contributes to new business development by delivering value on projects and participating in Palantir sales and marketing efforts.

Level 1 Behaviors

Completes their work on time and within scope
Draws attention to blockers so that the team can help resolve or mitigate them
Understands the difference between a consultancy and an agency and approaches work with the mindset of a consultant
Is trusted by team members to deliver high quality work on time and on budget

Level 2 Behaviors

Identifies opportunities for project growth and alerts project leadership
Understands the SOW (Statement of Work) and how their role and expertise fits in the project
Articulates their own reasons for how Palantir differs from the competition
Writes blog posts

Level 3 Behaviors

Writes proposals for project extensions
Lends expertise to develop sales and marketing tools (e.g., validate and shape proposals, support ot, development of pitch decks, proposals, etc.)
Participates in new business pitch meetings
Attends conferences on behalf of Palantir and participates in speaking to current and prospective clients

Level 4 Behaviors

Is in a leadership role on projects
Writes case studies
Writes large estimates and/or proposals; determines a project’s size and shape
Speaks at events where current and potential clients are in attendance
Participates in / leads efforts to transition clients between service lines
Identifies opportunities to pursue new types of projects/work
Plays a significant/leadership role in landing new business
Fosters ongoing relationships with clients

Level 5 Behaviors

Works with the sales team to co-create strategic approach to pitches
Conceives of new products and/or service lines
Develops brand and marketing strategy for Palantir
Negotiates contracting terms
Acts as an expert resource to the estimating team


Supporting Business




Foundational - Intro Text

The depth of knowledge and expertise in a particular area of execution (i.e. engineering, project management, etc.).

Foundational Skills




Uses their knowledge and experience to help guide the business and operations of Palantir

Level 1 Behaviors

Has an emergent skillset in one of the key Palantir disciplines: strategy, design, project management or engineering; or in a supporting service critical to Palantir’s organizational success (e.g., business strategy, sales, employee engagement)
Is self-guiding when it comes to executing tasks within their area of expertise
Understands basic best practices in their areas of expertise
Needs guidance to determine which managerial initiatives they should pursue
Effectively communicates subject matter expertise to a wide range of audiences

Level 2 Behaviors

Is expanding their experience and proficiency in a core component of our business or supporting service and can provide meaningful support to initiatives in that space
Coaches others in their area of expertise to improve their performance/deepen their understanding of the practice
Participates in initiatives and experiments relevant to their subject matter expertise
Works well in their area of expertise with little to no daily guidance

Level 3 Behaviors

Engages with others in order to successfully lead, design, implement, and assesses new initiatives in their area of subject matter expertise
Develops new plays in their area of expertise
Determines/designs solid, well-researched solutions to ambiguous or open-ended problems
Has attained proficiency in a core component of our business or supporting service and can execute initiatives in that space
Effectively communicates core business expertise to a wide range of audiences

Level 4 Behaviors

Is recognized as incredibly knowledgeable in their area of expertise by industry experts/leaders outside of Palantir
Is a sought after partner to co-create new initiatives
Is learning new areas of the business to have a fuller understanding of others’ work and how Palantir operates
Explores and experiments with projects that have a sizable impact for Palantir
Identifies gaps at the company/organization level and proposes and/or leads initiatives to resolve them
Assesses the effectiveness of initiatives with the goal of identifying ways to improve our initiative development and implementation processes

Level 5 Behaviors

Is an expert in multiple areas of our business
Designs and implements industry-leading techniques to solve complex problems
Sets the priority and timeline for initiatives, including identifying when an initiative should be prioritized, ended, delayed or changed based on new information and constraints
Sees patterns across Palantir initiatives and makes connections between them to move projects and experiments forward
Leads work that affects one or more complex systems and mission-critical areas


Foundational One




Servant Leadership


Furthers the mesh organization, developing strong interpersonal relationships to unlock the potential of others

Level 1 Behaviors

Sets an example of Palantir values with regard to interactions; is aware that as a member of management their behavior is highly visible and sets an example for others to follow
Is aware of their strengths and opportunities for growth
When approached by a colleague with an issue, exhibits curiosity and understanding before making conclusions
Actively listens
Assumes positive intent of a colleague when approached with a conflicting point of view or hard-to-solve problem
Prioritizes needs of others
Understands the company vision and how it applies to their work
Has a clear understanding of the RBS and can guide others in its use

Level 2 Behaviors

Uses an understanding of the organization's processes, systems and policies to engage with colleagues
Assumes positive intent of others, approaching every interaction with respect and good humor
Demonstrates active and empathic listening
Communicates difficult messages in an honest, accurate, and respectful manner
Understands the company vision and can help others apply it to their work

Level 3 Behaviors

Is a POD representative, fulfilling expectations of that role
Leverages relationships to best support and develop individuals
Exhibits Palantir values when resolving talent needs and issues
Recognizes when a team is not performing at its best and provides intervention, coaching or support
Establishes clear expectations for both performance and growth for teams
Has a clear understanding of the roles/disciplines/cohorts across Palantir
Coaches others on how to approach “difficult conversations” about performance/personnel issues
Identifies when a discipline is not performing at its best and requires intervention, coaching or support
Establishes clear expectations for performance and growth for disciplines
Identifies when a new skill set/team member could be added to Palantir, and can make a case for a new role/new hire
Supports the talent pipeline by building relationships in their community of practice
Helps people develop and perform to their full potential
Uses awareness and understanding of the organization's culture to implement change initiatives
Exhibits the ability to deeply understand and empathize with others
Brings their best self to your work and makes space for others to do so as well
Delivers persuasive and compelling messages
Leverages their strengths and seeks others’ expertise to fill in gaps
Serves on teams to design initiatives that help further the company vision

Level 4 Behaviors

Plays a mentor/coach role on project teams and serves as a point of escalation
Has “difficult conversations,” with some coaching, about challenges in the company
Can validate when a new hire can be supported by Palantir
Always looks to enhance the development of their team members in ways that unlock potential, creativity, and sense of purpose
Uses an understanding of the organization's culture and business environment to develop and implement strategic plans
Informs a person affected by a decision about what is happening, ensuring that the group has all of the necessary information
Provides visible leadership that "walks the talk." Sets high performance standards for self, acting as a role model for the team
Exhibits humility
Leads initiatives that further the company vision

Level 5 Behaviors

Sets the vision and business model for the company
Establishes clear expectations for performance and growth for the company as a whole
Coaches and mentors all members of the management team to improve their managerial skills
Uses an understanding of complex relationships among organizational leaders to facilitate the strategy, implementation, and maintenance of initiatives proposed by other leaders


Foundational Two






Comprehends the ability to lead people through processes towards agreed-upon objectives and positive outcomes in a manner that encourages participation, ownership, and creativity

Level 1 Behaviors

Actively seeks views from a range of colleagues to help gain understanding
Successfully runs meetings when sharing their work with colleagues
Contributes to creating an inclusive environment
Differentiates between conversations that simply need to be had and what conversations need to drive to a practical outcome and structure the conversations accordingly
Actively participates in conversations facilitated by others, by offering ideas and asking questions
Mediates low-level conflicts among team members

Level 2 Behaviors

Is becoming comfortable in mediating escalated conflicts within a team or projects
Engages all members of the team in order to understand their points of view
Is able to guide a group to make a decision
Crafts meeting agendas that keep groups on track, engages all participants, and leads to positive outcomes

Level 3 Behaviors

Leads project teams leveraging what drives and motivates the individual group members
Resolves and/or mediates conflicts in a respectful, appropriate and impartial manner
Takes time to understand how individuals and teams are performing and working together to deliver the project outcomes
Helps teams build and foster trust
Actively participates in conversations facilitated by others both by offering ideas and asking questions
Is able to facilitate low-level conflicts with client stakeholders to achieve outcomes
Encourages productive and respectful task-related discussions, using it to facilitate change

Level 4 Behaviors

Facilitates difficult interactions among stakeholders to achieve positive outcomes
Coaches others on how to facilitate low-level conflicts both internally and with clients
Is able to facilitate contract disputes with clients to resolution with coaching
Is focused on the big picture and context of the business and issue(s) at hand
Uses their understanding of individuals and teams to make the project strategy tangible to individuals and teams
Creates conditions for people to generate their own insights to solve their most pressing problems
Coaches others seeking to change approach and mindset around existing parameters
While bringing their perspective to the table, works to bring forward the ideas of others
Helps groups get unblocked

Level 5 Behaviors

Facilitates “root” and “trunk-level” decisions that have long-lasting implications for the company
Serves as a positive role model for productive conflict
Coaches others on how to resolve conflicts at all levels
Resolves complex organizational dysfunction, or persistent conflict at senior levels


Foundational Three






Takes initiative and is energizes themselves and others in order to achieve their goals

Level 1 Behaviors

Contributes to generating commitment in individuals and the team
Shares specific, relevant ++ messages in project and general Slack channel recognizing the work of teams and individuals
Provides respectful, specific and actionable feedback to teammates
Is supportive of Palantir initiatives or works to influence changes to them to better the organization
Models good work/life integration by using benefits/PTO and supporting individuals in doing the same
Shares their opinion so the team knows what they are thinking
Identifies patterns of issues/challenges and coaches individuals/teams to resolution with support

Level 2 Behaviors

Creates an open and accessible environment that promotes creativity
Validates ongoing work and sustains motivation
Seeks to identify and nurture emergent skills in themselves and others
Establishes challenging, yet realistic, performance goals that tap into the interests of others
Advocates for/creates opportunities for individuals to grow their skills, either through professional development, company projects, or client project work
Calls on others to share their opinions
Identifies patterns of issues/challenges and coaches individuals/teams to resolution

Level 3 Behaviors

Recognizes excellence in individual and team performance beyond Slack posts
Seeks appropriate public recognition of excellent performance (suggesting talks, blog posts, articles, modules, and awards)
Identifies patterns across excellent individual and team performance and seeks to identify ways to replicate those patterns across individuals and teams
Understands the full range of career paths available at Palantir and can coach individuals on next steps
Empowers a team to drive forward amidst uncertainty
Models excellence and enthusiasm for the work of the team
Is a point of escalation for patterns of issues/challenges that cannot be resolved between individuals

Level 4 Behaviors

Empowers the project team and individuals to do their best work
Expresses positive expectations of others regarding their abilities or potential, even in challenging cases
Coaches individuals facing issues that can lead to separation if not addressed
Identifies when separation with an individual is necessary to protect/support the team as a whole
Believes others want to and can learn
Ensures that the self-realization and practical needs of the project team are met
Uses others as a sounding board for generating ideas and plans; acknowledges their expertise or perspective when asking for their opinions
Ensures that patterns of issues/challenges are resolved, either through coaching, direct intervention, or proposing an initiative

Level 5 Behaviors

Is focused on the future of Palantir, researching and iterating on solutions that further Palantir as a well-run, sustainable company
Finds and uses successes to celebrate progress towards a corporate vision
Sets clear goals and a desired future state that is compelling and realistic for the company as a whole
Assesses initiatives proposed to deliver against those goals, and provides feedback/support to initiatives that meet that bar
Sets an inspirational vision that helps others be their best selves at work
Identifies benefits/processes at a company level that


Foundational Four



System - Intro Text

The broad range of knowledge and expertise applicable to the system as a whole.

System Skills

Planning and Coordination


Planning and Coordination


Delivers well-scoped programs of work that meet their goals, on time, to budget, to deliver client value.

Level 1 Behaviors

Is learning how to break down and accurately estimate their own work
Works with more experienced teammates to set project goals and break down larger projects into discrete tasks
Reaches out to others in a timely manner when in need of help
Commits to and completes their work within expected time frame, holding themselves accountable
Understands how their work fits within the broader scope and objectives of a project
Delivers consistently good outcomes within project scope, following quality standards

Level 2 Behaviors

Consistently and accurately estimates the amount of time a given task will take
Is becoming more proficient with their ability to break down tasks, plan and estimate their assigned work, and propose scope changes in order to deliver on time
Prioritizes tasks in alignment with project goals
Defines and hits interim milestones
Realizes when progress toward desired results is stalling and takes action to get things back on track
Researches and considers alternative approaches
Devotes time to find the most effective ways to meet commitments

Level 3 Behaviors

Integrates business needs into project planning
Can smoothly and successfully execute an initiative, set milestones for a team, and proactively ensure all core goals are achieved even if plans need to be changed to do so
Prioritizes the most important work for the company, team, and client
Delegates tasks to others appropriately
Adapts and changes direction quickly based on shifting company and project needs
When working on more than one or a portfolio of projects, is constantly aware of the bigger picture and what impact it has on planning work and managing one’s time

Level 4 Behaviors

Successfully plans and executes projects involving multiple stakeholders and complex requirements, while prioritizing strategically
Leads teams of teams, and coordinates effective cross-functional collaboration
Manages dependencies on their other projects and team commitments
Helps define the vision for long-term projects and enable others to participate in their design and implementation
Is proactive in identifying and planning for needs both in the near- and long-term for Palantir and our clients
Provides clarity in order to prioritize the most important work for the project and the company
Leverages repeated project patterns of what’s working and works to mitigate what's not
Works at all levels of the organization to positively impact the team and deliver client value
Improves team inclusivity

Level 5 Behaviors

Plans and executes large, complex projects with interdependencies across teams and systems
Considers constraints, opportunities, and business objectives when planning
Successfully supports and guides others to make plans for complex efforts that start out with unclear or competing goals
Supports teams in making difficult decisions when there are multiple paths/options to take
Leads projects or initiatives that are critical to the future of Palantir


Delivering Planning


Communication and Co-Creation


Communication and Co-Creation


Focuses on teamwork, communication skills, asking for and receiving feedback, collaboration, and documentation.

Level 1 Behaviors

Communicates their work status clearly and effectively to internal team members and client stakeholders
Writes clear comments and documentation
Presents their work to the client with coaching
Is learning to work collaboratively on a self-organizing team and speak up in meetings
Proactively asks questions and reaches out for help to get unblocked
Voices concerns or need for clarification to their project teams and, if necessary, escalates concerns to discipline leaders or POD representatives
Is developing the ability to communicate complicated concepts simply and successfully to an audience unfamiliar with the subject matter
Accepts feedback graciously and learns from experience
Is learning about other disciplines at Palantir and how they deliver value to the team and to clients

Level 2 Behaviors

Communicates clearly at team and client-facing meetings (e.g., escalating blockers quickly, clarifying requirements, and sharing assumptions)
Adapts messages for a diverse audience, choosing appropriate tools and approaches for accurate and timely communication
Presents effectively to familiar audiences
Presents their work to the client without coaching
Takes initiative to lend their expertise as part of a self-organizing team

Level 3 Behaviors

Communicates issues, risks, and decisions clearly and proactively to a cross-functional audience, effectively managing conversations related to bad news or conflict
Builds cross-functional relationships with project team, chapter members, and clients
Seeks to understand other points of view
Engages in productive dialogue even when there are conflicting views, both inside and outside the team
Mastering the ability to communicate complicated concepts simply and successfully to ensure understanding and appropriate action.
Presents effectively to audiences both familiar and unfamiliar
Makes room for others on self-organizing teams and knows when to lend their expertise
Communicates complicated concepts simply and successfully to an audience unfamiliar with the subject matter

Level 4 Behaviors

Communicates complex concepts and issues and easily makes compelling presentations to sophisticated audiences
Works effectively with key stakeholders to solve problems, identify paths forward, and/or make critical project decisions
Deescalates conflicts and builds bridges between team members
Holds others and themselves accountable for their commitments and results
Spurs and facilitates meaningful discussion around complex issues
Offers insightful perspectives
Works towards consensus when making decisions, discerning what’s best for the project, client, and team
Takes initiative to help outside of direct responsibilities
Knows when to “step up or step back” on self-organizing teams

Level 5 Behaviors

Comfortably communicates and presents complex issues to diverse audiences inside and outside the company
Ensures productive communication among teams and stakeholders, including the right people at the right times
Proactively identifies and remedies communication gaps and issues
Is relied upon as one of the best communicators of complicated subjects, trade-offs, and difficult decisions
Clearly communicates company-level objectives and how they relate to experiments and initiatives


Delivering Communication






Exemplifies Palantir's values in order to create and collaborate in an open, diverse, and inclusive environment.

Level 1 Behaviors

Exhibits Palantir’s core values of collaboration, bringing out the best in each other—curiosity, thinking ahead, and accessibility
Brings their best self to work and makes space for others to do so as well
Treats clients and colleagues with respect
Takes responsibility for their own words and actions
Effectively deals with and understands opposing views and is open to learning from feedback
Objectively evaluates whether they’ve met their goals
Is viewed as a trustworthy team member who keeps their commitments

Level 2 Behaviors

Quickly integrates complicated information to identify strategies and solutions with the assistance of teammates and senior colleagues
Demonstrates keen insights into situations
Demonstrates a sense of agency
Accepts difficult tasks and gets right to work
Responds flexibly and strategically to ongoing change
Trusts teammates, assumes positive intent, and is able to disagree and commit
Is able to deliver their work despite inevitable distractions
Exhibits a growth mindset in regards to feedback

Level 3 Behaviors

Is aware of their own strengths and weaknesses
Helps others identify the desired results of their assignments
Gives thoughtful feedback as a domain expert
Adopts a proactive approach instead of a reactive one
Demonstrates critical inquiry
Demonstrates humility and patience
Promotes exploration and experimentation as a response to uncertainty
Leads/facilitates client presentations
Coaches others who need guidance presenting their work
Celebrates and shares success with the team

Level 4 Behaviors

Moves through the change curve with positivity and intention
Creates space for everyone at Palantir to contribute, supporting growth of team members
Uses their position to raise difficult issues on behalf of others

Level 5 Behaviors

Has a holistic vision of their role
Creates an organizational framework that facilitates a positive work environment
Helps others to move through the change curve, from resistors to adopters
Has energy and energizes those around them
Sets the tone and influences policies to further an open, diverse, and inclusive Palantir
Models professionalism and cultivates it in others


Delivering Professionalism






Challenges the status quo and takes ownership and initiative outside of mandated work.

Level 1 Behaviors

Is becoming comfortable owning small tasks, but proactively engages with more experienced teammates when tackling larger issues
Contributes their talent and expertise without prompting to achieve project results
Asks their team probing questions to understand other points of view

Level 2 Behaviors

Works efficiently and puts in the time and effort necessary to deliver great outcomes
Regularly leads smaller projects or tasks, but relies on more experienced teammates when working on major project investments
Seeks insights from others to help problem-solve project ambiguity
Proactively takes on executable tasks when blocked elsewhere
Proactively seeks help when blocked
Consistently delivers on reasonably well-defined projects

Level 3 Behaviors

Leads small and medium-sized projects
Takes ownership of tasks that nobody owns or wants
Seeks out others involved in a situation to learn their perspectives
Leaves things better than when they found them
Relied on to remove blockers for others
Demonstrates the ability to handle major tasks from definition through execution with consistently successful outcomes

Level 4 Behaviors

Takes on a leadership role of multiple, large projects or initiatives
Develops and tests new ways to solve systemic issues
Improves complicated organizational processes
Works with ambiguity and a growth mindset
Exemplifies grit and determination in the face of persistent obstacles
Is integral to major new company-wide initiatives
Seeks creative and innovative ways to improve and develop what they are doing
Effectively copes with change

Level 5 Behaviors

Champions and initiates new approaches and ideas to solve new classes of problems
Initiates major new company-wide initiatives
Galvanizes the entire company and garners buy-in for new strategies
Improves complex organizational processes
Defines policies for the company that encourage quality work and maximize client value
Identifies and eliminates single points of failure throughout the organization
Secures time and resources from executive leadership to deliver great quality


Strengthening Initiative


Learning and Career Development


Learning and Career Development


Seeks opportunities to further their career and provides strategic support to others to help them build the careers they want.

Level 1 Behaviors

Shares their career and professional development interests and goals with their POD
Takes advantage of professional development opportunities
Shares opportunities for improvements and recognizes achievements for themselves and others
Shares learnings from previous projects with project teams
Collects and delivers feedback in a timely, constructive manner

Level 2 Behaviors

Embraces big challenges as opportunities for growth and learning
Helps a group member have an appropriate role on the team
Understands and can communicate the value of the work done by each of their coworkers on the project
Pursues learning goals on project teams
Contributes to Palantir’s sustainable and repeatable processes by sharing knowledge (e.g., through blog posts, contributing to Playbooks, etc.)
Works closely with others to help them learn new skills or continue to improve skills
Seeks feedback to improve and receives it well. Give timely, helpful feedback to peers

Level 3 Behaviors

Advocates for aligning people with appropriate roles within organization
May participate in the hiring process, meeting with candidates and offering thoughts to the discipline/hiring lead
Fosters a psychologically safe environment for dialogue and learning
Helps others achieve learning goals on project teams

Level 4 Behaviors

Facilitates conversations that are aimed at co-creation
Is a POD representative successful at fulfilling those duties
Helps the team plan and implement discipline-related learning activities
Discusses career paths and helps create plans for others' professional growth
Advocates for aligning people with appropriate roles within organization
Elevates emerging leaders

Level 5 Behaviors

Identifies leadership development opportunities for senior leadership
Pushes everyone to be as good as they can be, with empathy
Provides coaching to group leaders
Supports and develops senior leaders
Serves as an advisor to company leaders


Strengthening Learning


Mentorship and Coaching


Mentorship and Coaching


Provides support to others, spreads knowledge, and develops the team outside formal reporting structures.

Level 1 Behaviors

Asks for support and advice
Open to giving and receiving feedback
Is reflective about their experiences
Comfortable sharing their opinions and experiences to further a project team’s health
Acts as an onboarding buddy

Level 2 Behaviors

Takes time to understand and explain concepts and best practices
Helps others identify the desired results of their assignments
Makes themself available for informal support and advice
Provides sound advice when asked
Offers unprompted feedback to help growth, with empathy
Avoids siloing information when it can be usefully shared with others
Finds ways to ramp up and engage new team members
Creates space for people to talk through challenges
Acts as a positive role model

Level 3 Behaviors

Holds others accountable for their commitments, results, and successful outcomes
Asks questions to illuminate concepts, rather than stating them
Uses lessons learned to guide individuals and teams
Finds approaches that work best for a team member's personality
Brings resources, critical readings, opportunities, or experiences to the attention of others
Acts as a sounding board for peers and more junior team members
Provides help on how to have difficult conversations
Knows the difference between mentoring and coaching
Gives feedback that describes the situation, behavior, and impact (SBI model)
Asks powerful, open-ended questions to help other problem solve and envision future states

Level 4 Behaviors

Identifies gaps in team learning/knowledge and finds ways to bridge those gaps
Models positive mentoring and teaching behaviors
Provides discipline/cohort support and/or facilitation
Exhibits enthusiasm for sharing their knowledge and expertise
Helps individuals find new and challenging opportunities within the organization
Helps individuals maintain resilience in periods of change
Shares knowledge and expertise with the team through formal mentoring and coaching

Level 5 Behaviors

Helps others maximize their potential through mentorship and coaching
Empowers team members to develop themselves
Leads others through change, providing scaffolding to empower and support others
Models productive and healthy mentor relationships
Seeks out experiments and innovative learning practices that are beneficial to and to Palantir
Helps individuals to move out of their comfort zone and try new things
Is a sought after coach and mentor


Strengthening Mentorship


Navigating Complexity


Navigating Complexity


Able to function and adapt behaviors in Cynefin complexity domains to deliver client value.

Level 1 Behaviors

Understands the difference between complexity domains (i.e. obvious, complicated, complex, chaos, disorder)
Operates successfully in obvious domain with little or no supervision
Is gaining an understanding of and experience with best practices (the complicated domain)
Once made aware, adjusts approach to meet client needs in a changing system

Level 2 Behaviors

Knows in which complexity domain (obvious, complicated, complex, chaos, disorder) they are working
Operates successfully in complicated domain with little or no supervision
Identifies and deals with complicated situations to provide the best possible solutions
Applies best practices to the situation at hand (the complicated domain)
Adjusts approach to meet client needs in a changing system between the obvious and complicated domains
Recognizes when in the complex, chaotic or disorderly domains and brings it to the attention of project leaders to seek their assistance

Level 3 Behaviors

Guides others to understand in which complexity domain (obvious, complicated, complex, chaos, disorder) they are working
Operates successfully in complex domain with little or no supervision
Identifies “known unknowns”
Adapts best practices when called for in the complicated domain
Able to adjust approach to meet client needs in a changing system between the complicated and complex domains
Recognizes when in the complex domain and able to make recommendations to the internal and client teams
When in a leadership role on a project, does not micromanage other team members and is able to guide them through solutions to issues that arise in the obvious, complicated, and complex domains

Level 4 Behaviors

Investigates issues as they arise in order to respond appropriately
In the complicated domain, chooses between multiple “right” answers to the problem at hand and provide rationale for the decision(s)
Has a reservoir of experiences in complicated and complex situations from which to draw when answers are not clear
Coaches others to find creative solutions to complex problems
High tolerance for risk
Holds and shares relevant industry leading practices
Understands and shares institutional knowledge
Seeks to cultivate innovation in the face of uncertainty, both internally and externally
Offers new perspectives to overcome complexity constraints
Selects systems thinking approaches to fit with the level of complexity and the nature of the environment
When faced with uncertainty, uses an inclusive leadership approach and does not revert to traditional command and control methods

Level 5 Behaviors

Makes sense of complex data and inputs
Guides others in the complex domain to choose between multiple “right” answers to the problem at hand and provide rationale for the decision(s)
Builds the capacity in others to cope with complexity and chaos
Functions at a high level when faced with “unknown unknowns”
Sought after resource and expert in complex situations when answers are not clear
When faced with chaos, realizes their management style needs to change and is able to make difficult decisions with little information


Supporting Complexity


Client Value


Client Value


Delivers consistent value for the client at every step of a project.

Level 1 Behaviors

Understands the difference between Palantir service lines
Ensures that they are meeting team expectations on ticketed work
When they see an issue that would impede delivering client value, they raise the issue to project leadership
Offers solutions to project leadership when issues arise
Asks focused, relevant questions of the client and the team
Demonstrates active listening skills

Level 2 Behaviors

Is aware of the three types of consulting (i.e. Expert, Collaborative, Pair of Hands) and knows in which one they are operating
Helps others identify solutions to client issues that arise
Able to articulate the “why” or rationale behind each ticket/task on which they are working
Understands the project’s KPIs (Key Performance Indicators) and works towards implementing solutions in support of them
Contributes questions to the discovery process that reveal espoused v. actual need
Leverages learnings from previous projects to benefit the team and the client
Presents their own work
Understands their communication style and is aware of the styles of others

Level 3 Behaviors

Guides a portion of and/or designs and leads the discovery process
Guides the client throughout the project to ensure work product is geared towards solving their unique problems
Contributes KPIs and/or goals for the project based on data gleaned during the discovery phase
Anticipates unusual issues and problems, taking steps to minimize impact on outcomes
Through conversation and high-quality work, builds trust with the client in a sincere and authentic manner
Is viewed as a reliable resource to the client in their area of expertise
Guides others to make successful client presentations
Is self-aware and is able to adapt their communication style to meet the needs of the client

Level 4 Behaviors

Defines the client’s unique business problem
Is viewed by the client as an expert in their cohort/area of expertise
Sets up other team members for success on the project helping them get their expertise used to deliver value
Coaches the client to be self-sufficient when appropriate
Has successful, difficult conversations with the client that amicably resolve the issue in a way that benefits Palantir and the client

Level 5 Behaviors

Coaches those designing and leading the discovery process
Coaches those defining the client’s unique business problem and guiding client in solving it
Seeks out situations that are complex and guides others to find innovative solutions
Guides others to have successful, difficult conversations with the client
Bases authority on experience, knowledge and relationship building, not position in the company


Supporting Value


New Business Development


New Business Development


Contributes to new business development by delivering value on projects and participating in Palantir sales and marketing efforts.

Level 1 Behaviors

Completes their work on time and within scope
Draws attention to blockers so that the team can help resolve or mitigate them
Understands the difference between a consultancy and an agency and approaches work with the mindset of a consultant
Is trusted by team members to deliver high quality work on time and on budget

Level 2 Behaviors

Identifies opportunities for project growth and alerts project leadership
Understands the SOW (Statement of Work) and how their role and expertise fits in the project
Articulates their own reasons for how Palantir differs from the competition
Writes blog posts

Level 3 Behaviors

Writes proposals for project extensions
Lends expertise to develop sales and marketing tools (e.g., validate and shape proposals, support ot, development of pitch decks, proposals, etc.)
Participates in new business pitch meetings
Attends conferences on behalf of Palantir and participates in speaking to current and prospective clients

Level 4 Behaviors

Is in a leadership role on projects
Writes case studies
Writes large estimates and/or proposals; determines a project’s size and shape
Speaks at events where current and potential clients are in attendance
Participates in / leads efforts to transition clients between service lines
Identifies opportunities to pursue new types of projects/work
Plays a significant/leadership role in landing new business
Fosters ongoing relationships with clients

Level 5 Behaviors

Works with the sales team to co-create strategic approach to pitches
Conceives of new products and/or service lines
Develops brand and marketing strategy for Palantir
Negotiates contracting terms
Acts as an expert resource to the estimating team


Supporting Business



Front-End Development

Foundational - Intro Text

The depth of knowledge and expertise in a particular area of execution (i.e. engineering, project management, etc.).

Foundational Skills


Front-End Foundations


Develops expertise and proficiency in our technical domain, with solid understanding of relevant areas

Level 1 Behaviors

Is building proficiency with our web technologies and becoming comfortable with learning new technologies and skills
Has experience with web development frameworks, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and website accessibility
Performs assigned tasks and tickets with occasional assistance
Helps estimate tickets while working on refining estimation skills
Has an understanding of wireframing, UX design, and UI patterns
Has experience developing and testing across multiple browsers

Level 2 Behaviors

Focuses on expanding experience and proficiency in our web technology practices, with solid understanding of relevant areas
Is well versed with web development frameworks, HTML, CSS, JavaScript and website accessibility
Performs assigned tasks and tickets close to estimated time with minimal assistance
Provides reliable estimates for tickets given a complete context
Has a practical understanding of DevOps and how it is related to their work
Makes open source contributions and proactively does so

Level 3 Behaviors

Independently scopes and implements solutions for their project/team
Is proficient in all relevant technical skills and is able to move quickly.
Maintains awareness of industry trends and tools
Completes tickets reasonably close to estimated time without needing to be reminded
Demonstrates the ability to come up with solid technical solutions to ambiguous or open-ended problems
Often gives support to others in their areas of strongest skill
Accurately estimates ticketed work

Level 4 Behaviors

Has a deep understanding of our architecture and how their domain fits within it.
Systematically thinks through potential design impacts on other teams and the company
Is an expert in our processes, also helping define them.
Keeps tests up to date
Independently scopes, designs, and delivers solutions for large, complex challenges
Debugs expertly within their primary focus area
Provides oversight, coaching, and guidance through code and design reviews
Incredibly knowledgeable in their area of expertise, often to a degree that is recognized far beyond Palantir

Level 5 Behaviors

Is viewed as a domain leader and contributor across the organization
Primary expert in multiple areas of our stack, incredibly knowledgeable in several domains
Designs and builds industry-leading techniques to solve complex problems
Anticipates technical challenges and thoroughly explores alternatives and trade-offs
Focuses on technical decision making, leading work that affects one or more complex systems and mission-critical areas
Explores technologies with sizable potential impact for Palantir


Foundational One




Front-End Coding


Develops expertise and proficiency in our front-end code base, with solid understanding of relevant areas

Level 1 Behaviors

Writes front-end code that is sometimes production-ready, but usually requires iteration before shipping
Is becoming comfortable working with one or two areas of front-end code
Receives and integrates feedback from front-end code reviews to ship high-quality code
Participates in front-end code reviews and architecture design

Level 2 Behaviors

Writes front-end code that usually ships promptly by receiving and successfully integrating critical input from code reviews. Work rarely needs to be rewritten before delivery
Follows style guides
Ships maintainable front-end code that works and is understandable by teammates
Is becoming comfortable diving in and making changes to many areas of code, not just a single area of code
Provides helpful, timely front-end code reviews

Level 3 Behaviors

Consistently delivers front-end code that sets the standard for quality and maintainability
Understands large swaths of the code base with a deep knowledge and ability to "reach in and touch the right levers." Able to move rapidly as a result
Writes consistently reliable code, so input from code reviewers is high-level only
Provides front-end code review feedback that is sought after, respected, and often instructional
Writes meaningful front-end code reviews
Translates design solutions into high-quality front-end code

Level 4 Behaviors

Has all the skills necessary to ship quickly
Has built expertise in some relevant technical skills; good understanding of full stack
Provides mentorship and technical guidance to more junior teammates
Provides highly insightful code review feedback that addresses high-level thoughts
Writes highly insightful, comprehensive front-end code reviews

Level 5 Behaviors

Builds cutting-edge web applications, with a focus on client side
Leads code testing integration and oversees quality system performance
Is seen as a leader who advances the state of the art, and is a contributor to the broader technical community
Constantly learning new web technologies, can navigate and make legacy front-end code maintainable
Leads code reviews and guides software architecture decisions


Foundational Two




Web Technologies


Develops expertise in web client technologies, such as HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. Contributes to relevant open source projects

Level 1 Behaviors

Makes minor modifications to existing work
Fixes simple design quality issues
Uses CSS appropriately, following style guide

Level 2 Behaviors

Makes sensible abstractions based on template and code patterns
Specs and builds interactive components independently
Prototypes simple new features quickly
Builds modal systems

Level 3 Behaviors

Provides useful design feedback and suggests feasible alternatives
Performs systemic tasks to significantly minimize bundle size
Acts a caretaker for all of web client code
Prototypes with code using modern front-end frameworks and digital pattern library

Level 4 Behaviors

Initiates and leads architecture migrations that reduce programmer burden
Implements complex UI transitions that bring delight
Makes architectural decisions that eliminate entire classes of bugs

Level 5 Behaviors

Invents new techniques to mitigate browser constraints when feasible
Identifies and solves systemic problems with current architecture
Defines a long-term vision for web client and ensures projects are in service of it
Implements omni directional data flow to completion


Foundational Three




Front-End Craft


Embodies and promotes practices to ensure excellent quality products and services

Level 1 Behaviors

Understands the entire web development process, including design, development, and deployment and has some back-end knowledge as well
Builds responsive and adaptive websites with guidance of a more experienced FED

Level 2 Behaviors

Understands and demonstrates knowledge of accessibility needs, concerns, design, and best practices
Builds semantic, accessible, and maintainable front-end interfaces
Accurately translates prototypes and design into working interfaces

Level 3 Behaviors

Supports complex and secure components for modern browsers written in the latest web standards
Works with UX to develop and maintain processes that ensure our tools and practices are up to date
Gives thoughtful front-end code reviews as a domain expert
Implements systems that enable better testing
Adds tooling to improve front-end code base quality
Maintains high coding standards and practices to exercise quality control on all aspects of web development

Level 4 Behaviors

Takes the lead on browser/device acceptance testing and bug fixing
Collaborates with UX designers to promote and achieve optimal solutions for clients
Leads client demos
Maintains and improves front-end code bases across a wide variety of projects
Improves quality of work to meet the level of Palantir's best solutions through repeated iteration

Level 5 Behaviors

Defines policies for the team that encourage quality work
Identifies and eliminates single points of failure throughout the chapter
Secures time and resources from executive leadership to support great quality
Creates a compelling technical vision with company-level impact, anticipating future needs


Foundational Four



System - Intro Text

The broad range of knowledge and expertise applicable to the system as a whole.

System Skills

Planning and Coordination


Planning and Coordination


Delivers well-scoped programs of work that meet their goals, on time, to budget, to deliver client value.

Level 1 Behaviors

Is learning how to break down and accurately estimate their own work
Works with more experienced teammates to set project goals and break down larger projects into discrete tasks
Reaches out to others in a timely manner when in need of help
Commits to and completes their work within expected time frame, holding themselves accountable
Understands how their work fits within the broader scope and objectives of a project
Delivers consistently good outcomes within project scope, following quality standards

Level 2 Behaviors

Consistently and accurately estimates the amount of time a given task will take
Is becoming more proficient with their ability to break down tasks, plan and estimate their assigned work, and propose scope changes in order to deliver on time
Prioritizes tasks in alignment with project goals
Defines and hits interim milestones
Realizes when progress toward desired results is stalling and takes action to get things back on track
Researches and considers alternative approaches
Devotes time to find the most effective ways to meet commitments

Level 3 Behaviors

Integrates business needs into project planning
Can smoothly and successfully execute an initiative, set milestones for a team, and proactively ensure all core goals are achieved even if plans need to be changed to do so
Prioritizes the most important work for the company, team, and client
Delegates tasks to others appropriately
Adapts and changes direction quickly based on shifting company and project needs
When working on more than one or a portfolio of projects, is constantly aware of the bigger picture and what impact it has on planning work and managing one’s time

Level 4 Behaviors

Successfully plans and executes projects involving multiple stakeholders and complex requirements, while prioritizing strategically
Leads teams of teams, and coordinates effective cross-functional collaboration
Manages dependencies on their other projects and team commitments
Helps define the vision for long-term projects and enable others to participate in their design and implementation
Is proactive in identifying and planning for needs both in the near- and long-term for Palantir and our clients
Provides clarity in order to prioritize the most important work for the project and the company
Leverages repeated project patterns of what’s working and works to mitigate what's not
Works at all levels of the organization to positively impact the team and deliver client value
Improves team inclusivity

Level 5 Behaviors

Plans and executes large, complex projects with interdependencies across teams and systems
Considers constraints, opportunities, and business objectives when planning
Successfully supports and guides others to make plans for complex efforts that start out with unclear or competing goals
Supports teams in making difficult decisions when there are multiple paths/options to take
Leads projects or initiatives that are critical to the future of Palantir


Delivering Planning


Communication and Co-Creation


Communication and Co-Creation


Focuses on teamwork, communication skills, asking for and receiving feedback, collaboration, and documentation.

Level 1 Behaviors

Communicates their work status clearly and effectively to internal team members and client stakeholders
Writes clear comments and documentation
Presents their work to the client with coaching
Is learning to work collaboratively on a self-organizing team and speak up in meetings
Proactively asks questions and reaches out for help to get unblocked
Voices concerns or need for clarification to their project teams and, if necessary, escalates concerns to discipline leaders or POD representatives
Is developing the ability to communicate complicated concepts simply and successfully to an audience unfamiliar with the subject matter
Accepts feedback graciously and learns from experience
Is learning about other disciplines at Palantir and how they deliver value to the team and to clients

Level 2 Behaviors

Communicates clearly at team and client-facing meetings (e.g., escalating blockers quickly, clarifying requirements, and sharing assumptions)
Adapts messages for a diverse audience, choosing appropriate tools and approaches for accurate and timely communication
Presents effectively to familiar audiences
Presents their work to the client without coaching
Takes initiative to lend their expertise as part of a self-organizing team

Level 3 Behaviors

Communicates issues, risks, and decisions clearly and proactively to a cross-functional audience, effectively managing conversations related to bad news or conflict
Builds cross-functional relationships with project team, chapter members, and clients
Seeks to understand other points of view
Engages in productive dialogue even when there are conflicting views, both inside and outside the team
Mastering the ability to communicate complicated concepts simply and successfully to ensure understanding and appropriate action.
Presents effectively to audiences both familiar and unfamiliar
Makes room for others on self-organizing teams and knows when to lend their expertise
Communicates complicated concepts simply and successfully to an audience unfamiliar with the subject matter

Level 4 Behaviors

Communicates complex concepts and issues and easily makes compelling presentations to sophisticated audiences
Works effectively with key stakeholders to solve problems, identify paths forward, and/or make critical project decisions
Deescalates conflicts and builds bridges between team members
Holds others and themselves accountable for their commitments and results
Spurs and facilitates meaningful discussion around complex issues
Offers insightful perspectives
Works towards consensus when making decisions, discerning what’s best for the project, client, and team
Takes initiative to help outside of direct responsibilities
Knows when to “step up or step back” on self-organizing teams

Level 5 Behaviors

Comfortably communicates and presents complex issues to diverse audiences inside and outside the company
Ensures productive communication among teams and stakeholders, including the right people at the right times
Proactively identifies and remedies communication gaps and issues
Is relied upon as one of the best communicators of complicated subjects, trade-offs, and difficult decisions
Clearly communicates company-level objectives and how they relate to experiments and initiatives


Delivering Communication






Exemplifies Palantir's values in order to create and collaborate in an open, diverse, and inclusive environment.

Level 1 Behaviors

Exhibits Palantir’s core values of collaboration, bringing out the best in each other—curiosity, thinking ahead, and accessibility
Brings their best self to work and makes space for others to do so as well
Treats clients and colleagues with respect
Takes responsibility for their own words and actions
Effectively deals with and understands opposing views and is open to learning from feedback
Objectively evaluates whether they’ve met their goals
Is viewed as a trustworthy team member who keeps their commitments

Level 2 Behaviors

Quickly integrates complicated information to identify strategies and solutions with the assistance of teammates and senior colleagues
Demonstrates keen insights into situations
Demonstrates a sense of agency
Accepts difficult tasks and gets right to work
Responds flexibly and strategically to ongoing change
Trusts teammates, assumes positive intent, and is able to disagree and commit
Is able to deliver their work despite inevitable distractions
Exhibits a growth mindset in regards to feedback

Level 3 Behaviors

Is aware of their own strengths and weaknesses
Helps others identify the desired results of their assignments
Gives thoughtful feedback as a domain expert
Adopts a proactive approach instead of a reactive one
Demonstrates critical inquiry
Demonstrates humility and patience
Promotes exploration and experimentation as a response to uncertainty
Leads/facilitates client presentations
Coaches others who need guidance presenting their work
Celebrates and shares success with the team

Level 4 Behaviors

Moves through the change curve with positivity and intention
Creates space for everyone at Palantir to contribute, supporting growth of team members
Uses their position to raise difficult issues on behalf of others

Level 5 Behaviors

Has a holistic vision of their role
Creates an organizational framework that facilitates a positive work environment
Helps others to move through the change curve, from resistors to adopters
Has energy and energizes those around them
Sets the tone and influences policies to further an open, diverse, and inclusive Palantir
Models professionalism and cultivates it in others


Delivering Professionalism






Challenges the status quo and takes ownership and initiative outside of mandated work.

Level 1 Behaviors

Is becoming comfortable owning small tasks, but proactively engages with more experienced teammates when tackling larger issues
Contributes their talent and expertise without prompting to achieve project results
Asks their team probing questions to understand other points of view

Level 2 Behaviors

Works efficiently and puts in the time and effort necessary to deliver great outcomes
Regularly leads smaller projects or tasks, but relies on more experienced teammates when working on major project investments
Seeks insights from others to help problem-solve project ambiguity
Proactively takes on executable tasks when blocked elsewhere
Proactively seeks help when blocked
Consistently delivers on reasonably well-defined projects

Level 3 Behaviors

Leads small and medium-sized projects
Takes ownership of tasks that nobody owns or wants
Seeks out others involved in a situation to learn their perspectives
Leaves things better than when they found them
Relied on to remove blockers for others
Demonstrates the ability to handle major tasks from definition through execution with consistently successful outcomes

Level 4 Behaviors

Takes on a leadership role of multiple, large projects or initiatives
Develops and tests new ways to solve systemic issues
Improves complicated organizational processes
Works with ambiguity and a growth mindset
Exemplifies grit and determination in the face of persistent obstacles
Is integral to major new company-wide initiatives
Seeks creative and innovative ways to improve and develop what they are doing
Effectively copes with change

Level 5 Behaviors

Champions and initiates new approaches and ideas to solve new classes of problems
Initiates major new company-wide initiatives
Galvanizes the entire company and garners buy-in for new strategies
Improves complex organizational processes
Defines policies for the company that encourage quality work and maximize client value
Identifies and eliminates single points of failure throughout the organization
Secures time and resources from executive leadership to deliver great quality


Strengthening Initiative


Learning and Career Development


Learning and Career Development


Seeks opportunities to further their career and provides strategic support to others to help them build the careers they want.

Level 1 Behaviors

Shares their career and professional development interests and goals with their POD
Takes advantage of professional development opportunities
Shares opportunities for improvements and recognizes achievements for themselves and others
Shares learnings from previous projects with project teams
Collects and delivers feedback in a timely, constructive manner

Level 2 Behaviors

Embraces big challenges as opportunities for growth and learning
Helps a group member have an appropriate role on the team
Understands and can communicate the value of the work done by each of their coworkers on the project
Pursues learning goals on project teams
Contributes to Palantir’s sustainable and repeatable processes by sharing knowledge (e.g., through blog posts, contributing to Playbooks, etc.)
Works closely with others to help them learn new skills or continue to improve skills
Seeks feedback to improve and receives it well. Give timely, helpful feedback to peers

Level 3 Behaviors

Advocates for aligning people with appropriate roles within organization
May participate in the hiring process, meeting with candidates and offering thoughts to the discipline/hiring lead
Fosters a psychologically safe environment for dialogue and learning
Helps others achieve learning goals on project teams

Level 4 Behaviors

Facilitates conversations that are aimed at co-creation
Is a POD representative successful at fulfilling those duties
Helps the team plan and implement discipline-related learning activities
Discusses career paths and helps create plans for others' professional growth
Advocates for aligning people with appropriate roles within organization
Elevates emerging leaders

Level 5 Behaviors

Identifies leadership development opportunities for senior leadership
Pushes everyone to be as good as they can be, with empathy
Provides coaching to group leaders
Supports and develops senior leaders
Serves as an advisor to company leaders


Strengthening Learning


Mentorship and Coaching


Mentorship and Coaching


Provides support to others, spreads knowledge, and develops the team outside formal reporting structures.

Level 1 Behaviors

Asks for support and advice
Open to giving and receiving feedback
Is reflective about their experiences
Comfortable sharing their opinions and experiences to further a project team’s health
Acts as an onboarding buddy

Level 2 Behaviors

Takes time to understand and explain concepts and best practices
Helps others identify the desired results of their assignments
Makes themself available for informal support and advice
Provides sound advice when asked
Offers unprompted feedback to help growth, with empathy
Avoids siloing information when it can be usefully shared with others
Finds ways to ramp up and engage new team members
Creates space for people to talk through challenges
Acts as a positive role model

Level 3 Behaviors

Holds others accountable for their commitments, results, and successful outcomes
Asks questions to illuminate concepts, rather than stating them
Uses lessons learned to guide individuals and teams
Finds approaches that work best for a team member's personality
Brings resources, critical readings, opportunities, or experiences to the attention of others
Acts as a sounding board for peers and more junior team members
Provides help on how to have difficult conversations
Knows the difference between mentoring and coaching
Gives feedback that describes the situation, behavior, and impact (SBI model)
Asks powerful, open-ended questions to help other problem solve and envision future states

Level 4 Behaviors

Identifies gaps in team learning/knowledge and finds ways to bridge those gaps
Models positive mentoring and teaching behaviors
Provides discipline/cohort support and/or facilitation
Exhibits enthusiasm for sharing their knowledge and expertise
Helps individuals find new and challenging opportunities within the organization
Helps individuals maintain resilience in periods of change
Shares knowledge and expertise with the team through formal mentoring and coaching

Level 5 Behaviors

Helps others maximize their potential through mentorship and coaching
Empowers team members to develop themselves
Leads others through change, providing scaffolding to empower and support others
Models productive and healthy mentor relationships
Seeks out experiments and innovative learning practices that are beneficial to and to Palantir
Helps individuals to move out of their comfort zone and try new things
Is a sought after coach and mentor


Strengthening Mentorship


Navigating Complexity


Navigating Complexity


Able to function and adapt behaviors in Cynefin complexity domains to deliver client value.

Level 1 Behaviors

Understands the difference between complexity domains (i.e. obvious, complicated, complex, chaos, disorder)
Operates successfully in obvious domain with little or no supervision
Is gaining an understanding of and experience with best practices (the complicated domain)
Once made aware, adjusts approach to meet client needs in a changing system

Level 2 Behaviors

Knows in which complexity domain (obvious, complicated, complex, chaos, disorder) they are working
Operates successfully in complicated domain with little or no supervision
Identifies and deals with complicated situations to provide the best possible solutions
Applies best practices to the situation at hand (the complicated domain)
Adjusts approach to meet client needs in a changing system between the obvious and complicated domains
Recognizes when in the complex, chaotic or disorderly domains and brings it to the attention of project leaders to seek their assistance

Level 3 Behaviors

Guides others to understand in which complexity domain (obvious, complicated, complex, chaos, disorder) they are working
Operates successfully in complex domain with little or no supervision
Identifies “known unknowns”
Adapts best practices when called for in the complicated domain
Able to adjust approach to meet client needs in a changing system between the complicated and complex domains
Recognizes when in the complex domain and able to make recommendations to the internal and client teams
When in a leadership role on a project, does not micromanage other team members and is able to guide them through solutions to issues that arise in the obvious, complicated, and complex domains

Level 4 Behaviors

Investigates issues as they arise in order to respond appropriately
In the complicated domain, chooses between multiple “right” answers to the problem at hand and provide rationale for the decision(s)
Has a reservoir of experiences in complicated and complex situations from which to draw when answers are not clear
Coaches others to find creative solutions to complex problems
High tolerance for risk
Holds and shares relevant industry leading practices
Understands and shares institutional knowledge
Seeks to cultivate innovation in the face of uncertainty, both internally and externally
Offers new perspectives to overcome complexity constraints
Selects systems thinking approaches to fit with the level of complexity and the nature of the environment
When faced with uncertainty, uses an inclusive leadership approach and does not revert to traditional command and control methods

Level 5 Behaviors

Makes sense of complex data and inputs
Guides others in the complex domain to choose between multiple “right” answers to the problem at hand and provide rationale for the decision(s)
Builds the capacity in others to cope with complexity and chaos
Functions at a high level when faced with “unknown unknowns”
Sought after resource and expert in complex situations when answers are not clear
When faced with chaos, realizes their management style needs to change and is able to make difficult decisions with little information


Supporting Complexity


Client Value


Client Value


Delivers consistent value for the client at every step of a project.

Level 1 Behaviors

Understands the difference between Palantir service lines
Ensures that they are meeting team expectations on ticketed work
When they see an issue that would impede delivering client value, they raise the issue to project leadership
Offers solutions to project leadership when issues arise
Asks focused, relevant questions of the client and the team
Demonstrates active listening skills

Level 2 Behaviors

Is aware of the three types of consulting (i.e. Expert, Collaborative, Pair of Hands) and knows in which one they are operating
Helps others identify solutions to client issues that arise
Able to articulate the “why” or rationale behind each ticket/task on which they are working
Understands the project’s KPIs (Key Performance Indicators) and works towards implementing solutions in support of them
Contributes questions to the discovery process that reveal espoused v. actual need
Leverages learnings from previous projects to benefit the team and the client
Presents their own work
Understands their communication style and is aware of the styles of others

Level 3 Behaviors

Guides a portion of and/or designs and leads the discovery process
Guides the client throughout the project to ensure work product is geared towards solving their unique problems
Contributes KPIs and/or goals for the project based on data gleaned during the discovery phase
Anticipates unusual issues and problems, taking steps to minimize impact on outcomes
Through conversation and high-quality work, builds trust with the client in a sincere and authentic manner
Is viewed as a reliable resource to the client in their area of expertise
Guides others to make successful client presentations
Is self-aware and is able to adapt their communication style to meet the needs of the client

Level 4 Behaviors

Defines the client’s unique business problem
Is viewed by the client as an expert in their cohort/area of expertise
Sets up other team members for success on the project helping them get their expertise used to deliver value
Coaches the client to be self-sufficient when appropriate
Has successful, difficult conversations with the client that amicably resolve the issue in a way that benefits Palantir and the client

Level 5 Behaviors

Coaches those designing and leading the discovery process
Coaches those defining the client’s unique business problem and guiding client in solving it
Seeks out situations that are complex and guides others to find innovative solutions
Guides others to have successful, difficult conversations with the client
Bases authority on experience, knowledge and relationship building, not position in the company


Supporting Value


New Business Development


New Business Development


Contributes to new business development by delivering value on projects and participating in Palantir sales and marketing efforts.

Level 1 Behaviors

Completes their work on time and within scope
Draws attention to blockers so that the team can help resolve or mitigate them
Understands the difference between a consultancy and an agency and approaches work with the mindset of a consultant
Is trusted by team members to deliver high quality work on time and on budget

Level 2 Behaviors

Identifies opportunities for project growth and alerts project leadership
Understands the SOW (Statement of Work) and how their role and expertise fits in the project
Articulates their own reasons for how Palantir differs from the competition
Writes blog posts

Level 3 Behaviors

Writes proposals for project extensions
Lends expertise to develop sales and marketing tools (e.g., validate and shape proposals, support ot, development of pitch decks, proposals, etc.)
Participates in new business pitch meetings
Attends conferences on behalf of Palantir and participates in speaking to current and prospective clients

Level 4 Behaviors

Is in a leadership role on projects
Writes case studies
Writes large estimates and/or proposals; determines a project’s size and shape
Speaks at events where current and potential clients are in attendance
Participates in / leads efforts to transition clients between service lines
Identifies opportunities to pursue new types of projects/work
Plays a significant/leadership role in landing new business
Fosters ongoing relationships with clients

Level 5 Behaviors

Works with the sales team to co-create strategic approach to pitches
Conceives of new products and/or service lines
Develops brand and marketing strategy for Palantir
Negotiates contracting terms
Acts as an expert resource to the estimating team


Supporting Business




Foundational - Intro Text

The depth of knowledge and expertise in a particular area of execution (i.e. engineering, project management, etc.).

Foundational Skills


Engineering Foundations


Develops expertise and proficiency in our technical domain, with solid understanding of relevant areas

Level 1 Behaviors

Is building proficiency with our tech stack and becoming comfortable with learning new technologies and skills
Has experience with development best practices, Palantir's chosen technology stack, web accessibility, and web development frameworks
Performs assigned tasks and tickets with occasional assistance
Helps estimate tickets while working on refining estimation skills

Level 2 Behaviors

Focuses on expanding experience and proficiency in our code base, with solid understanding of relevant areas
Is well-versed with development best practices, Palantir's chosen technology stack, web accessibility, and core development tools
Performs assigned tasks and completes tickets close to estimated time with minimal assistance
Learns new areas of code base and new tech very quickly
Provides reliable estimates for tickets with context

Level 3 Behaviors

Independently scopes and implements solutions for their project/team
Is proficient in all relevant technical skills, and is able to move quickly
Maintains awareness of industry trends and tools
Contributes to open source work
Demonstrates the ability to come up with solid technical solutions to ambiguous or open-ended problems
Often gives support to others in their areas of strongest skill
Accurately estimates ticketed work

Level 4 Behaviors

Has a deep understanding of our architecture and how their domain fits within it.
Systematically thinks through potential design impacts on other teams and the company
Is an expert in our processes, also helps to define them
Keeps tests up to date
Independently scopes, designs, and delivers solutions for large, complex challenges
Debugs expertly within their primary focus area
Provides oversight, coaching, and guidance through code and design reviews
Incredibly knowledgeable in their area of expertise, often to a degree that is recognized far beyond Palantir

Level 5 Behaviors

Is a primary expert in multiple areas of our technology stack, incredibly knowledgeable in several domains
Designs and builds industry-leading techniques to solve complex problems
Anticipates technical challenges, thoroughly explores alternatives and trade-offs
Focuses on technical decision making, leading work that affects one or more complex systems and mission-critical areas
Explores technologies with sizable potential impact for Palantir


Foundational One




Back-End Coding


Demonstrates expertise and proficiency in developing and supporting our code base, with solid understanding of relevant areas

Level 1 Behaviors

Writes code that is sometimes production-ready, but usually requires iteration before shipping
Is becoming comfortable working with one or two specific disciplines
Receives and integrates feedback from code reviews to ship high-quality code
Participates in code reviews and technical design
Receives and incorporates feedback from PR reviews
Performs small PR reviews around functional behavior

Level 2 Behaviors

Writes code that usually ships promptly by receiving and successfully integrating critical input from code reviews. Work rarely needs to be rewritten before shipping
Follows style guides
Ships maintainable code that works and is understandable by teammates
Is becoming comfortable diving in and making changes to many areas of code, not just a single area of code
Provides helpful, timely code reviews
Performs code audits

Level 3 Behaviors

Consistently delivers code that sets the standard for quality, security, and maintainability
Understands large swaths of the code base with a deep knowledge and "reaches in and touches the right levers." Able to move rapidly as a result
Writes consistently reliable code, so that input from code reviewers is high-level only
Provides code review feedback that is sought after, respected, and often instructional to others
Writes meaningful code reviews
Sets the standards for performing code audits

Level 4 Behaviors

Has all the skills necessary to ship quickly
Has built expertise in some relevant technical skills; good understanding of full stack
Provides mentorship and technical guidance to more junior teammates
Writes highly insightful, comprehensive code reviews

Level 5 Behaviors

Builds an entire complex product from scratch that requires significant R&D efforts
Is seen as a leader who advances the state of the art and a contributor to the broader technical community
Demonstrates the ability to resolve technical problems with little context
Constantly learning new technologies, can navigate and make legacy code maintainable


Foundational Two






Develops expertise and proficiency in DevOps

Level 1 Behaviors

Is building proficiency in creating solutions using tools and automation to improve operations
Understands common software development tools and processes, including version control, issue tracking, and continuous build

Level 2 Behaviors

Focuses on expanding experience and proficiency in DevOps practices, with solid understanding of operating systems
Understands web application development, server deployment and upkeep, and general networking practices
Modifies existing software to correct errors with guidance
Supports and improves our tools for continuous integration, automated testing, and release management with guidance

Level 3 Behaviors

Enhances and streamlines operational processes through automation and integration without guidance
Deploys and administers server-hosted software solutions
Modifies existing software to correct errors, adapt to new hardware, or improve performance
Is able to debug problems throughout the stack

Level 4 Behaviors

Analyzes user needs and software requirements to determine feasibility of design within time and cost constraints
Responds to the needs of project managers and engineers to customize hosted tools to improve team efficiency
Uses scientific analysis and mathematical models to predict and measure outcomes and consequences of design

Level 5 Behaviors

Drives capacity for triaging and handling operational issues while advising the team on the process of writing code and engineering systems that will make their entire code base more reliable, testable, and scalable
Is seen as an expert who advances the state of the art
Is a consistent contributor to the broader technical community
Creates innovative and comprehensive tools and practices to improve deployment and testing


Foundational Three




Engineering Craft


Embodies and promotes practices to ensure excellent quality products and services

Level 1 Behaviors

Tests new code thoroughly, both locally and in production once shipped
Writes tests for every new feature and bug fix with guidance
Writes clear comments and documentation
Works effectively within established web client architectures such as HTML, PHP, and JavaScript, following current best practices

Level 2 Behaviors

Refactors existing code to make it more testable
Adds tests for uncovered areas
Deletes unnecessary code and deprecates proactively when safe to do so
Assesses correctness and utility of existing code and avoids blind copy-pasting
Generalizes code when appropriate
Develops new instances of or minor improvements to existing architecture

Level 3 Behaviors

Implements systems that enable better testing
Gives thoughtful code reviews as a domain expert
Adds tooling to improve code quality, security, and maintainability

Level 4 Behaviors

Builds complex, reusable architectures that leads to best practices and enable engineers to work more effectively
Consistently keeps the team focused on quality
Coordinates priorities and projects
Iterates repeatedly to develop and refine Palantir's best practices
Acts as primary maintainer for existing critical systems

Level 5 Behaviors

Defines policies for the engineering discipline that encourage quality work
Identifies and eliminates single points of failure throughout the discipline
Identifies and solves systemic problems with current architecture
Creates a compelling technical vision with company-level impact, anticipating future needs


Foundational Four



System - Intro Text

The broad range of knowledge and expertise applicable to the system as a whole.

System Skills

Planning and Coordination


Planning and Coordination


Delivers well-scoped programs of work that meet their goals, on time, to budget, to deliver client value.

Level 1 Behaviors

Is learning how to break down and accurately estimate their own work
Works with more experienced teammates to set project goals and break down larger projects into discrete tasks
Reaches out to others in a timely manner when in need of help
Commits to and completes their work within expected time frame, holding themselves accountable
Understands how their work fits within the broader scope and objectives of a project
Delivers consistently good outcomes within project scope, following quality standards

Level 2 Behaviors

Consistently and accurately estimates the amount of time a given task will take
Is becoming more proficient with their ability to break down tasks, plan and estimate their assigned work, and propose scope changes in order to deliver on time
Prioritizes tasks in alignment with project goals
Defines and hits interim milestones
Realizes when progress toward desired results is stalling and takes action to get things back on track
Researches and considers alternative approaches
Devotes time to find the most effective ways to meet commitments

Level 3 Behaviors

Integrates business needs into project planning
Can smoothly and successfully execute an initiative, set milestones for a team, and proactively ensure all core goals are achieved even if plans need to be changed to do so
Prioritizes the most important work for the company, team, and client
Delegates tasks to others appropriately
Adapts and changes direction quickly based on shifting company and project needs
When working on more than one or a portfolio of projects, is constantly aware of the bigger picture and what impact it has on planning work and managing one’s time

Level 4 Behaviors

Successfully plans and executes projects involving multiple stakeholders and complex requirements, while prioritizing strategically
Leads teams of teams, and coordinates effective cross-functional collaboration
Manages dependencies on their other projects and team commitments
Helps define the vision for long-term projects and enable others to participate in their design and implementation
Is proactive in identifying and planning for needs both in the near- and long-term for Palantir and our clients
Provides clarity in order to prioritize the most important work for the project and the company
Leverages repeated project patterns of what’s working and works to mitigate what's not
Works at all levels of the organization to positively impact the team and deliver client value
Improves team inclusivity

Level 5 Behaviors

Plans and executes large, complex projects with interdependencies across teams and systems
Considers constraints, opportunities, and business objectives when planning
Successfully supports and guides others to make plans for complex efforts that start out with unclear or competing goals
Supports teams in making difficult decisions when there are multiple paths/options to take
Leads projects or initiatives that are critical to the future of Palantir


Delivering Planning


Communication and Co-Creation


Communication and Co-Creation


Focuses on teamwork, communication skills, asking for and receiving feedback, collaboration, and documentation.

Level 1 Behaviors

Communicates their work status clearly and effectively to internal team members and client stakeholders
Writes clear comments and documentation
Presents their work to the client with coaching
Is learning to work collaboratively on a self-organizing team and speak up in meetings
Proactively asks questions and reaches out for help to get unblocked
Voices concerns or need for clarification to their project teams and, if necessary, escalates concerns to discipline leaders or POD representatives
Is developing the ability to communicate complicated concepts simply and successfully to an audience unfamiliar with the subject matter
Accepts feedback graciously and learns from experience
Is learning about other disciplines at Palantir and how they deliver value to the team and to clients

Level 2 Behaviors

Communicates clearly at team and client-facing meetings (e.g., escalating blockers quickly, clarifying requirements, and sharing assumptions)
Adapts messages for a diverse audience, choosing appropriate tools and approaches for accurate and timely communication
Presents effectively to familiar audiences
Presents their work to the client without coaching
Takes initiative to lend their expertise as part of a self-organizing team

Level 3 Behaviors

Communicates issues, risks, and decisions clearly and proactively to a cross-functional audience, effectively managing conversations related to bad news or conflict
Builds cross-functional relationships with project team, chapter members, and clients
Seeks to understand other points of view
Engages in productive dialogue even when there are conflicting views, both inside and outside the team
Mastering the ability to communicate complicated concepts simply and successfully to ensure understanding and appropriate action.
Presents effectively to audiences both familiar and unfamiliar
Makes room for others on self-organizing teams and knows when to lend their expertise
Communicates complicated concepts simply and successfully to an audience unfamiliar with the subject matter

Level 4 Behaviors

Communicates complex concepts and issues and easily makes compelling presentations to sophisticated audiences
Works effectively with key stakeholders to solve problems, identify paths forward, and/or make critical project decisions
Deescalates conflicts and builds bridges between team members
Holds others and themselves accountable for their commitments and results
Spurs and facilitates meaningful discussion around complex issues
Offers insightful perspectives
Works towards consensus when making decisions, discerning what’s best for the project, client, and team
Takes initiative to help outside of direct responsibilities
Knows when to “step up or step back” on self-organizing teams

Level 5 Behaviors

Comfortably communicates and presents complex issues to diverse audiences inside and outside the company
Ensures productive communication among teams and stakeholders, including the right people at the right times
Proactively identifies and remedies communication gaps and issues
Is relied upon as one of the best communicators of complicated subjects, trade-offs, and difficult decisions
Clearly communicates company-level objectives and how they relate to experiments and initiatives


Delivering Communication






Exemplifies Palantir's values in order to create and collaborate in an open, diverse, and inclusive environment.

Level 1 Behaviors

Exhibits Palantir’s core values of collaboration, bringing out the best in each other—curiosity, thinking ahead, and accessibility
Brings their best self to work and makes space for others to do so as well
Treats clients and colleagues with respect
Takes responsibility for their own words and actions
Effectively deals with and understands opposing views and is open to learning from feedback
Objectively evaluates whether they’ve met their goals
Is viewed as a trustworthy team member who keeps their commitments

Level 2 Behaviors

Quickly integrates complicated information to identify strategies and solutions with the assistance of teammates and senior colleagues
Demonstrates keen insights into situations
Demonstrates a sense of agency
Accepts difficult tasks and gets right to work
Responds flexibly and strategically to ongoing change
Trusts teammates, assumes positive intent, and is able to disagree and commit
Is able to deliver their work despite inevitable distractions
Exhibits a growth mindset in regards to feedback

Level 3 Behaviors

Is aware of their own strengths and weaknesses
Helps others identify the desired results of their assignments
Gives thoughtful feedback as a domain expert
Adopts a proactive approach instead of a reactive one
Demonstrates critical inquiry
Demonstrates humility and patience
Promotes exploration and experimentation as a response to uncertainty
Leads/facilitates client presentations
Coaches others who need guidance presenting their work
Celebrates and shares success with the team

Level 4 Behaviors

Moves through the change curve with positivity and intention
Creates space for everyone at Palantir to contribute, supporting growth of team members
Uses their position to raise difficult issues on behalf of others

Level 5 Behaviors

Has a holistic vision of their role
Creates an organizational framework that facilitates a positive work environment
Helps others to move through the change curve, from resistors to adopters
Has energy and energizes those around them
Sets the tone and influences policies to further an open, diverse, and inclusive Palantir
Models professionalism and cultivates it in others


Delivering Professionalism






Challenges the status quo and takes ownership and initiative outside of mandated work.

Level 1 Behaviors

Is becoming comfortable owning small tasks, but proactively engages with more experienced teammates when tackling larger issues
Contributes their talent and expertise without prompting to achieve project results
Asks their team probing questions to understand other points of view

Level 2 Behaviors

Works efficiently and puts in the time and effort necessary to deliver great outcomes
Regularly leads smaller projects or tasks, but relies on more experienced teammates when working on major project investments
Seeks insights from others to help problem-solve project ambiguity
Proactively takes on executable tasks when blocked elsewhere
Proactively seeks help when blocked
Consistently delivers on reasonably well-defined projects

Level 3 Behaviors

Leads small and medium-sized projects
Takes ownership of tasks that nobody owns or wants
Seeks out others involved in a situation to learn their perspectives
Leaves things better than when they found them
Relied on to remove blockers for others
Demonstrates the ability to handle major tasks from definition through execution with consistently successful outcomes

Level 4 Behaviors

Takes on a leadership role of multiple, large projects or initiatives
Develops and tests new ways to solve systemic issues
Improves complicated organizational processes
Works with ambiguity and a growth mindset
Exemplifies grit and determination in the face of persistent obstacles
Is integral to major new company-wide initiatives
Seeks creative and innovative ways to improve and develop what they are doing
Effectively copes with change

Level 5 Behaviors

Champions and initiates new approaches and ideas to solve new classes of problems
Initiates major new company-wide initiatives
Galvanizes the entire company and garners buy-in for new strategies
Improves complex organizational processes
Defines policies for the company that encourage quality work and maximize client value
Identifies and eliminates single points of failure throughout the organization
Secures time and resources from executive leadership to deliver great quality


Strengthening Initiative


Learning and Career Development


Learning and Career Development


Seeks opportunities to further their career and provides strategic support to others to help them build the careers they want.

Level 1 Behaviors

Shares their career and professional development interests and goals with their POD
Takes advantage of professional development opportunities
Shares opportunities for improvements and recognizes achievements for themselves and others
Shares learnings from previous projects with project teams
Collects and delivers feedback in a timely, constructive manner

Level 2 Behaviors

Embraces big challenges as opportunities for growth and learning
Helps a group member have an appropriate role on the team
Understands and can communicate the value of the work done by each of their coworkers on the project
Pursues learning goals on project teams
Contributes to Palantir’s sustainable and repeatable processes by sharing knowledge (e.g., through blog posts, contributing to Playbooks, etc.)
Works closely with others to help them learn new skills or continue to improve skills
Seeks feedback to improve and receives it well. Give timely, helpful feedback to peers

Level 3 Behaviors

Advocates for aligning people with appropriate roles within organization
May participate in the hiring process, meeting with candidates and offering thoughts to the discipline/hiring lead
Fosters a psychologically safe environment for dialogue and learning
Helps others achieve learning goals on project teams

Level 4 Behaviors

Facilitates conversations that are aimed at co-creation
Is a POD representative successful at fulfilling those duties
Helps the team plan and implement discipline-related learning activities
Discusses career paths and helps create plans for others' professional growth
Advocates for aligning people with appropriate roles within organization
Elevates emerging leaders

Level 5 Behaviors

Identifies leadership development opportunities for senior leadership
Pushes everyone to be as good as they can be, with empathy
Provides coaching to group leaders
Supports and develops senior leaders
Serves as an advisor to company leaders


Strengthening Learning


Mentorship and Coaching


Mentorship and Coaching


Provides support to others, spreads knowledge, and develops the team outside formal reporting structures.

Level 1 Behaviors

Asks for support and advice
Open to giving and receiving feedback
Is reflective about their experiences
Comfortable sharing their opinions and experiences to further a project team’s health
Acts as an onboarding buddy

Level 2 Behaviors

Takes time to understand and explain concepts and best practices
Helps others identify the desired results of their assignments
Makes themself available for informal support and advice
Provides sound advice when asked
Offers unprompted feedback to help growth, with empathy
Avoids siloing information when it can be usefully shared with others
Finds ways to ramp up and engage new team members
Creates space for people to talk through challenges
Acts as a positive role model

Level 3 Behaviors

Holds others accountable for their commitments, results, and successful outcomes
Asks questions to illuminate concepts, rather than stating them
Uses lessons learned to guide individuals and teams
Finds approaches that work best for a team member's personality
Brings resources, critical readings, opportunities, or experiences to the attention of others
Acts as a sounding board for peers and more junior team members
Provides help on how to have difficult conversations
Knows the difference between mentoring and coaching
Gives feedback that describes the situation, behavior, and impact (SBI model)
Asks powerful, open-ended questions to help other problem solve and envision future states

Level 4 Behaviors

Identifies gaps in team learning/knowledge and finds ways to bridge those gaps
Models positive mentoring and teaching behaviors
Provides discipline/cohort support and/or facilitation
Exhibits enthusiasm for sharing their knowledge and expertise
Helps individuals find new and challenging opportunities within the organization
Helps individuals maintain resilience in periods of change
Shares knowledge and expertise with the team through formal mentoring and coaching

Level 5 Behaviors

Helps others maximize their potential through mentorship and coaching
Empowers team members to develop themselves
Leads others through change, providing scaffolding to empower and support others
Models productive and healthy mentor relationships
Seeks out experiments and innovative learning practices that are beneficial to and to Palantir
Helps individuals to move out of their comfort zone and try new things
Is a sought after coach and mentor


Strengthening Mentorship


Navigating Complexity


Navigating Complexity


Able to function and adapt behaviors in Cynefin complexity domains to deliver client value.

Level 1 Behaviors

Understands the difference between complexity domains (i.e. obvious, complicated, complex, chaos, disorder)
Operates successfully in obvious domain with little or no supervision
Is gaining an understanding of and experience with best practices (the complicated domain)
Once made aware, adjusts approach to meet client needs in a changing system

Level 2 Behaviors

Knows in which complexity domain (obvious, complicated, complex, chaos, disorder) they are working
Operates successfully in complicated domain with little or no supervision
Identifies and deals with complicated situations to provide the best possible solutions
Applies best practices to the situation at hand (the complicated domain)
Adjusts approach to meet client needs in a changing system between the obvious and complicated domains
Recognizes when in the complex, chaotic or disorderly domains and brings it to the attention of project leaders to seek their assistance

Level 3 Behaviors

Guides others to understand in which complexity domain (obvious, complicated, complex, chaos, disorder) they are working
Operates successfully in complex domain with little or no supervision
Identifies “known unknowns”
Adapts best practices when called for in the complicated domain
Able to adjust approach to meet client needs in a changing system between the complicated and complex domains
Recognizes when in the complex domain and able to make recommendations to the internal and client teams
When in a leadership role on a project, does not micromanage other team members and is able to guide them through solutions to issues that arise in the obvious, complicated, and complex domains

Level 4 Behaviors

Investigates issues as they arise in order to respond appropriately
In the complicated domain, chooses between multiple “right” answers to the problem at hand and provide rationale for the decision(s)
Has a reservoir of experiences in complicated and complex situations from which to draw when answers are not clear
Coaches others to find creative solutions to complex problems
High tolerance for risk
Holds and shares relevant industry leading practices
Understands and shares institutional knowledge
Seeks to cultivate innovation in the face of uncertainty, both internally and externally
Offers new perspectives to overcome complexity constraints
Selects systems thinking approaches to fit with the level of complexity and the nature of the environment
When faced with uncertainty, uses an inclusive leadership approach and does not revert to traditional command and control methods

Level 5 Behaviors

Makes sense of complex data and inputs
Guides others in the complex domain to choose between multiple “right” answers to the problem at hand and provide rationale for the decision(s)
Builds the capacity in others to cope with complexity and chaos
Functions at a high level when faced with “unknown unknowns”
Sought after resource and expert in complex situations when answers are not clear
When faced with chaos, realizes their management style needs to change and is able to make difficult decisions with little information


Supporting Complexity


Client Value


Client Value


Delivers consistent value for the client at every step of a project.

Level 1 Behaviors

Understands the difference between Palantir service lines
Ensures that they are meeting team expectations on ticketed work
When they see an issue that would impede delivering client value, they raise the issue to project leadership
Offers solutions to project leadership when issues arise
Asks focused, relevant questions of the client and the team
Demonstrates active listening skills

Level 2 Behaviors

Is aware of the three types of consulting (i.e. Expert, Collaborative, Pair of Hands) and knows in which one they are operating
Helps others identify solutions to client issues that arise
Able to articulate the “why” or rationale behind each ticket/task on which they are working
Understands the project’s KPIs (Key Performance Indicators) and works towards implementing solutions in support of them
Contributes questions to the discovery process that reveal espoused v. actual need
Leverages learnings from previous projects to benefit the team and the client
Presents their own work
Understands their communication style and is aware of the styles of others

Level 3 Behaviors

Guides a portion of and/or designs and leads the discovery process
Guides the client throughout the project to ensure work product is geared towards solving their unique problems
Contributes KPIs and/or goals for the project based on data gleaned during the discovery phase
Anticipates unusual issues and problems, taking steps to minimize impact on outcomes
Through conversation and high-quality work, builds trust with the client in a sincere and authentic manner
Is viewed as a reliable resource to the client in their area of expertise
Guides others to make successful client presentations
Is self-aware and is able to adapt their communication style to meet the needs of the client

Level 4 Behaviors

Defines the client’s unique business problem
Is viewed by the client as an expert in their cohort/area of expertise
Sets up other team members for success on the project helping them get their expertise used to deliver value
Coaches the client to be self-sufficient when appropriate
Has successful, difficult conversations with the client that amicably resolve the issue in a way that benefits Palantir and the client

Level 5 Behaviors

Coaches those designing and leading the discovery process
Coaches those defining the client’s unique business problem and guiding client in solving it
Seeks out situations that are complex and guides others to find innovative solutions
Guides others to have successful, difficult conversations with the client
Bases authority on experience, knowledge and relationship building, not position in the company


Supporting Value


New Business Development


New Business Development


Contributes to new business development by delivering value on projects and participating in Palantir sales and marketing efforts.

Level 1 Behaviors

Completes their work on time and within scope
Draws attention to blockers so that the team can help resolve or mitigate them
Understands the difference between a consultancy and an agency and approaches work with the mindset of a consultant
Is trusted by team members to deliver high quality work on time and on budget

Level 2 Behaviors

Identifies opportunities for project growth and alerts project leadership
Understands the SOW (Statement of Work) and how their role and expertise fits in the project
Articulates their own reasons for how Palantir differs from the competition
Writes blog posts

Level 3 Behaviors

Writes proposals for project extensions
Lends expertise to develop sales and marketing tools (e.g., validate and shape proposals, support ot, development of pitch decks, proposals, etc.)
Participates in new business pitch meetings
Attends conferences on behalf of Palantir and participates in speaking to current and prospective clients

Level 4 Behaviors

Is in a leadership role on projects
Writes case studies
Writes large estimates and/or proposals; determines a project’s size and shape
Speaks at events where current and potential clients are in attendance
Participates in / leads efforts to transition clients between service lines
Identifies opportunities to pursue new types of projects/work
Plays a significant/leadership role in landing new business
Fosters ongoing relationships with clients

Level 5 Behaviors

Works with the sales team to co-create strategic approach to pitches
Conceives of new products and/or service lines
Develops brand and marketing strategy for Palantir
Negotiates contracting terms
Acts as an expert resource to the estimating team


Supporting Business



User Experience Design

Foundational - Intro Text

The depth of knowledge and expertise in a particular area of execution (i.e. engineering, project management, etc.).

Foundational Skills


Design Foundations


Demonstrates proficiency in Palantir’s UX Design practice.

Level 1 Behaviors

Demonstrates proficiency in the tools, techniques, processes, and technologies adopted by the team
Is becoming familiar with the technical strengths and constraints within our preferred technology solutions
Is learning to present work to clients with the guidance of a more experienced team member
Understands the founding principles of UX design and usability

Level 2 Behaviors

Is strengthening proficiency in Palantir’s UX Design practice
Is deepening understanding and efficiency in team tools, techniques, processes and technologies
Applies current best practices in the areas of usability, accessibility, information architecture, and UX design
Understands the strengths and constraints of our preferred technology solutions
Advocates for solutions easily supported by the selected technology while supporting the project goals
Explores new methodologies when the project need arises
Works well in their area of expertise with little to no daily guidance
Collaborates effectively with team members, proactively reaching out when needs arise
Proactively seeks out industry trends
Is capable of defining design work for themselves and other team members
Is proficient with UI/UX tools (e.g., Sketch, Figma, Adobe Creative Cloud, Invision, etc.)
Problem solves within the framework of project goals, user needs, timeline and budget
Designs and performs competitive analysis, proactively researches relevant examples and seeks out industry trends

Level 3 Behaviors

Explores new tools, techniques, processes and technologies that may increase efficiency and effectiveness on projects
Can guide a client towards solutions easily supported by our recommended technology solutions
Confidently communicates UX findings and recommendations, connecting UX rationale of project goals
Collaborates with the development and engineering team to learn technical requirements and constraints of a project
Develops new plays in their area of expertise
Determines solid, well-researched solutions to ambiguous or open-ended problems
Adapts process and contributes value within client-approved budget, scope and timeline
Creates documentation and training materials for projects

Level 4 Behaviors

Explores ways to leverage technology to solve a unique problem for a client or project
Has multiple strategies for managing and responding to challenging feedback
Has an expert understanding of design systems, component based design, web accessibility and UX best practices
Helps sales team accurately represent and sell design, creating estimates, communicating processes and providing examples
Is a sought after partner to co-create new initiatives
Explores and experiments within projects contributing to sizable client value
Strategically analyzes the risks, benefits, and opportunities of various solutions
Seeks out discipline-wide opportunities for improvement
Is incredibly knowledgeable in their area of expertise, recognized by industry experts/leaders outside of Palantir

Level 5 Behaviors

Is always evolving the UX practice, with a focus on how to add the highest value for the client within any time or budget
Designs and implements industry-leading techniques to solve complex problems
Leads projects that are complex and mission critical
Sees patterns across Palantir design and UX work and makes connections between them to move projects and experiments forward
Is capable of high-level, consultative, predictive thinking


Foundational One




UX Design


Understands and applies UX principles to projects

Level 1 Behaviors

Understands UI/UX design fundamentals
Is learning about accessibility and how it applies to UX design
Has a basic level of understanding of usability principles
Is learning about content modeling with the guidance of a more experienced team member
Is learning about how content models, site structure and page layouts support the project goals and user needs
Creates wireframes with the guidance of a more experienced team member

Level 2 Behaviors

Continuously learns and stays current on UX design trends
Can design effective UX solutions for desktop and mobile devices
Continues to learn about usability and how it applies to common project challenges
Provides effective UX designs within the framework of the project goals and user needs
Leads wireframing workshops with the client with the support of a UX strategist
Creates UX design layouts with sample content that supports site goals and user needs

Level 3 Behaviors

Looks for ways to incorporate new UX design solutions into projects
Understands when and how to take a mobile first approach to UX design
Can talk to, educate, and inform clients about web accessibility, explaining design rationale in relation to this topic
Communicate UX design choices to the client within the framework of the project goals and user needs
Coaches client on how to use web components to achieve site goals and user needs (content strategy)

Level 4 Behaviors

Invents new UX design solutions to a problem when a previous solution may not exist
Can easily navigate conversations around mobile UX design with clients, sharing the pros and cons of various approaches
Can discuss, inform and educate clients about why certain approaches may be more user friendly than others
Advocates for the best user experience throughout a project
Creates training materials to help the client add and configure their content in a way that supports the strategy and goals of the project

Level 5 Behaviors

Leads team to explore new UX design solution for mobile devices
Shares ideas with the team about usability insights. Looks for ways to incorporate these ideas into future projects
Creates new ways to deliver continued value to client with the UX design practice


Foundational Two




Visual Design


Creates visually compelling and effective designs for client work and internal projects

Level 1 Behaviors

Understands design fundamentals such as the principles and elements of design
Creates compelling and effective design within the constraints of a project with the guidance of a more experienced designer
Is aware of current design trends in web design, print, web applications, software, and mobile applications

Level 2 Behaviors

Stays current on new visual design trends in our areas of expertise (i.e. healthcare, higher education, government)
Provides feedback to team members during design critiques
Understands and can effectively extend a visual design system for the web
Explores ways to modernize and evolve a design system with each project, without compromising the client’s brand integrity

Level 3 Behaviors

Pushes themselves to try new visual solutions on every project
Effectively presents work to client, clearly articulating design and art direction rationale
Can navigate vague or challenging client feedback, translating feedback into the language of design
Has a deep understanding of design systems as they relate to the web
Can design within any predefined brand framework, regardless of style
Creates and documents guidelines for how to follow a visual design system

Level 4 Behaviors

Creates design and web brand systems from scratch
Strengthens their skill set by creating visual assets, iconography, illustration, photography direction and conceptual design
Acts as art director with colleagues
Initiates and implements production methodologies that increase efficiency for repeatable tasks

Level 5 Behaviors

Coaches and mentors less experienced team members to strengthen their visual design
Shares design insights within the team and publicly via blogs or talks
Works with management to suggest new design offerings Palantir could offer that fill a client need and fall within the expertise of the team


Foundational Three






Translates visual designs into HTML and CSS, extending the visual style guide and components in code

Level 1 Behaviors

Converts visual designs into a functional prototype using HTML,CSS and JS with the guidance of a more experienced team member
Creates prototypes within existing frameworks supported by the team
Understands the visual building blocks of a design system and how they can be extended

Level 2 Behaviors

Creates HTML/CSS prototypes with increasing efficiency and proficiency
Implement sand modifes JS code to help create interactions and functionality
Extends component libraries in code without visual mockups
Presents and solicits client feedback on prototypes

Level 3 Behaviors

Creates code that follows accessibility standards
Creates full library of components in code, including list views, interaction elements and high level page layouts
Creates micro animation interactions when it improves the user experience
Works to standardize prototyping approaches across the team
Creates and documents guidelines for how to leverage the style guide (component library)

Level 4 Behaviors

Realizes efficiencies within repeatable patterns from project to project
Helps sales and management scope and estimate time for this work on projects
Coaches clients on how to use components to build pages for their site
Creates example of important pages in style guide, including sample content and guidelines for usage

Level 5 Behaviors

Designs complex, multi-faceted prototypes
Implements design on the front-end, filling in for a FED as needed
Applies a design thinking approach to prototype development and teaches others how to do the same
Leads the team to keep coding standards up to date and modernized


Foundational Four



System - Intro Text

The broad range of knowledge and expertise applicable to the system as a whole.

System Skills

Planning and Coordination


Planning and Coordination


Delivers well-scoped programs of work that meet their goals, on time, to budget, to deliver client value.

Level 1 Behaviors

Is learning how to break down and accurately estimate their own work
Works with more experienced teammates to set project goals and break down larger projects into discrete tasks
Reaches out to others in a timely manner when in need of help
Commits to and completes their work within expected time frame, holding themselves accountable
Understands how their work fits within the broader scope and objectives of a project
Delivers consistently good outcomes within project scope, following quality standards

Level 2 Behaviors

Consistently and accurately estimates the amount of time a given task will take
Is becoming more proficient with their ability to break down tasks, plan and estimate their assigned work, and propose scope changes in order to deliver on time
Prioritizes tasks in alignment with project goals
Defines and hits interim milestones
Realizes when progress toward desired results is stalling and takes action to get things back on track
Researches and considers alternative approaches
Devotes time to find the most effective ways to meet commitments

Level 3 Behaviors

Integrates business needs into project planning
Can smoothly and successfully execute an initiative, set milestones for a team, and proactively ensure all core goals are achieved even if plans need to be changed to do so
Prioritizes the most important work for the company, team, and client
Delegates tasks to others appropriately
Adapts and changes direction quickly based on shifting company and project needs
When working on more than one or a portfolio of projects, is constantly aware of the bigger picture and what impact it has on planning work and managing one’s time

Level 4 Behaviors

Successfully plans and executes projects involving multiple stakeholders and complex requirements, while prioritizing strategically
Leads teams of teams, and coordinates effective cross-functional collaboration
Manages dependencies on their other projects and team commitments
Helps define the vision for long-term projects and enable others to participate in their design and implementation
Is proactive in identifying and planning for needs both in the near- and long-term for Palantir and our clients
Provides clarity in order to prioritize the most important work for the project and the company
Leverages repeated project patterns of what’s working and works to mitigate what's not
Works at all levels of the organization to positively impact the team and deliver client value
Improves team inclusivity

Level 5 Behaviors

Plans and executes large, complex projects with interdependencies across teams and systems
Considers constraints, opportunities, and business objectives when planning
Successfully supports and guides others to make plans for complex efforts that start out with unclear or competing goals
Supports teams in making difficult decisions when there are multiple paths/options to take
Leads projects or initiatives that are critical to the future of Palantir


Delivering Planning


Communication and Co-Creation


Communication and Co-Creation


Focuses on teamwork, communication skills, asking for and receiving feedback, collaboration, and documentation.

Level 1 Behaviors

Communicates their work status clearly and effectively to internal team members and client stakeholders
Writes clear comments and documentation
Presents their work to the client with coaching
Is learning to work collaboratively on a self-organizing team and speak up in meetings
Proactively asks questions and reaches out for help to get unblocked
Voices concerns or need for clarification to their project teams and, if necessary, escalates concerns to discipline leaders or POD representatives
Is developing the ability to communicate complicated concepts simply and successfully to an audience unfamiliar with the subject matter
Accepts feedback graciously and learns from experience
Is learning about other disciplines at Palantir and how they deliver value to the team and to clients

Level 2 Behaviors

Communicates clearly at team and client-facing meetings (e.g., escalating blockers quickly, clarifying requirements, and sharing assumptions)
Adapts messages for a diverse audience, choosing appropriate tools and approaches for accurate and timely communication
Presents effectively to familiar audiences
Presents their work to the client without coaching
Takes initiative to lend their expertise as part of a self-organizing team

Level 3 Behaviors

Communicates issues, risks, and decisions clearly and proactively to a cross-functional audience, effectively managing conversations related to bad news or conflict
Builds cross-functional relationships with project team, chapter members, and clients
Seeks to understand other points of view
Engages in productive dialogue even when there are conflicting views, both inside and outside the team
Mastering the ability to communicate complicated concepts simply and successfully to ensure understanding and appropriate action.
Presents effectively to audiences both familiar and unfamiliar
Makes room for others on self-organizing teams and knows when to lend their expertise
Communicates complicated concepts simply and successfully to an audience unfamiliar with the subject matter

Level 4 Behaviors

Communicates complex concepts and issues and easily makes compelling presentations to sophisticated audiences
Works effectively with key stakeholders to solve problems, identify paths forward, and/or make critical project decisions
Deescalates conflicts and builds bridges between team members
Holds others and themselves accountable for their commitments and results
Spurs and facilitates meaningful discussion around complex issues
Offers insightful perspectives
Works towards consensus when making decisions, discerning what’s best for the project, client, and team
Takes initiative to help outside of direct responsibilities
Knows when to “step up or step back” on self-organizing teams

Level 5 Behaviors

Comfortably communicates and presents complex issues to diverse audiences inside and outside the company
Ensures productive communication among teams and stakeholders, including the right people at the right times
Proactively identifies and remedies communication gaps and issues
Is relied upon as one of the best communicators of complicated subjects, trade-offs, and difficult decisions
Clearly communicates company-level objectives and how they relate to experiments and initiatives


Delivering Communication






Exemplifies Palantir's values in order to create and collaborate in an open, diverse, and inclusive environment.

Level 1 Behaviors

Exhibits Palantir’s core values of collaboration, bringing out the best in each other—curiosity, thinking ahead, and accessibility
Brings their best self to work and makes space for others to do so as well
Treats clients and colleagues with respect
Takes responsibility for their own words and actions
Effectively deals with and understands opposing views and is open to learning from feedback
Objectively evaluates whether they’ve met their goals
Is viewed as a trustworthy team member who keeps their commitments

Level 2 Behaviors

Quickly integrates complicated information to identify strategies and solutions with the assistance of teammates and senior colleagues
Demonstrates keen insights into situations
Demonstrates a sense of agency
Accepts difficult tasks and gets right to work
Responds flexibly and strategically to ongoing change
Trusts teammates, assumes positive intent, and is able to disagree and commit
Is able to deliver their work despite inevitable distractions
Exhibits a growth mindset in regards to feedback

Level 3 Behaviors

Is aware of their own strengths and weaknesses
Helps others identify the desired results of their assignments
Gives thoughtful feedback as a domain expert
Adopts a proactive approach instead of a reactive one
Demonstrates critical inquiry
Demonstrates humility and patience
Promotes exploration and experimentation as a response to uncertainty
Leads/facilitates client presentations
Coaches others who need guidance presenting their work
Celebrates and shares success with the team

Level 4 Behaviors

Moves through the change curve with positivity and intention
Creates space for everyone at Palantir to contribute, supporting growth of team members
Uses their position to raise difficult issues on behalf of others

Level 5 Behaviors

Has a holistic vision of their role
Creates an organizational framework that facilitates a positive work environment
Helps others to move through the change curve, from resistors to adopters
Has energy and energizes those around them
Sets the tone and influences policies to further an open, diverse, and inclusive Palantir
Models professionalism and cultivates it in others


Delivering Professionalism






Challenges the status quo and takes ownership and initiative outside of mandated work.

Level 1 Behaviors

Is becoming comfortable owning small tasks, but proactively engages with more experienced teammates when tackling larger issues
Contributes their talent and expertise without prompting to achieve project results
Asks their team probing questions to understand other points of view

Level 2 Behaviors

Works efficiently and puts in the time and effort necessary to deliver great outcomes
Regularly leads smaller projects or tasks, but relies on more experienced teammates when working on major project investments
Seeks insights from others to help problem-solve project ambiguity
Proactively takes on executable tasks when blocked elsewhere
Proactively seeks help when blocked
Consistently delivers on reasonably well-defined projects

Level 3 Behaviors

Leads small and medium-sized projects
Takes ownership of tasks that nobody owns or wants
Seeks out others involved in a situation to learn their perspectives
Leaves things better than when they found them
Relied on to remove blockers for others
Demonstrates the ability to handle major tasks from definition through execution with consistently successful outcomes

Level 4 Behaviors

Takes on a leadership role of multiple, large projects or initiatives
Develops and tests new ways to solve systemic issues
Improves complicated organizational processes
Works with ambiguity and a growth mindset
Exemplifies grit and determination in the face of persistent obstacles
Is integral to major new company-wide initiatives
Seeks creative and innovative ways to improve and develop what they are doing
Effectively copes with change

Level 5 Behaviors

Champions and initiates new approaches and ideas to solve new classes of problems
Initiates major new company-wide initiatives
Galvanizes the entire company and garners buy-in for new strategies
Improves complex organizational processes
Defines policies for the company that encourage quality work and maximize client value
Identifies and eliminates single points of failure throughout the organization
Secures time and resources from executive leadership to deliver great quality


Strengthening Initiative


Learning and Career Development


Learning and Career Development


Seeks opportunities to further their career and provides strategic support to others to help them build the careers they want.

Level 1 Behaviors

Shares their career and professional development interests and goals with their POD
Takes advantage of professional development opportunities
Shares opportunities for improvements and recognizes achievements for themselves and others
Shares learnings from previous projects with project teams
Collects and delivers feedback in a timely, constructive manner

Level 2 Behaviors

Embraces big challenges as opportunities for growth and learning
Helps a group member have an appropriate role on the team
Understands and can communicate the value of the work done by each of their coworkers on the project
Pursues learning goals on project teams
Contributes to Palantir’s sustainable and repeatable processes by sharing knowledge (e.g., through blog posts, contributing to Playbooks, etc.)
Works closely with others to help them learn new skills or continue to improve skills
Seeks feedback to improve and receives it well. Give timely, helpful feedback to peers

Level 3 Behaviors

Advocates for aligning people with appropriate roles within organization
May participate in the hiring process, meeting with candidates and offering thoughts to the discipline/hiring lead
Fosters a psychologically safe environment for dialogue and learning
Helps others achieve learning goals on project teams

Level 4 Behaviors

Facilitates conversations that are aimed at co-creation
Is a POD representative successful at fulfilling those duties
Helps the team plan and implement discipline-related learning activities
Discusses career paths and helps create plans for others' professional growth
Advocates for aligning people with appropriate roles within organization
Elevates emerging leaders

Level 5 Behaviors

Identifies leadership development opportunities for senior leadership
Pushes everyone to be as good as they can be, with empathy
Provides coaching to group leaders
Supports and develops senior leaders
Serves as an advisor to company leaders


Strengthening Learning


Mentorship and Coaching


Mentorship and Coaching


Provides support to others, spreads knowledge, and develops the team outside formal reporting structures.

Level 1 Behaviors

Asks for support and advice
Open to giving and receiving feedback
Is reflective about their experiences
Comfortable sharing their opinions and experiences to further a project team’s health
Acts as an onboarding buddy

Level 2 Behaviors

Takes time to understand and explain concepts and best practices
Helps others identify the desired results of their assignments
Makes themself available for informal support and advice
Provides sound advice when asked
Offers unprompted feedback to help growth, with empathy
Avoids siloing information when it can be usefully shared with others
Finds ways to ramp up and engage new team members
Creates space for people to talk through challenges
Acts as a positive role model

Level 3 Behaviors

Holds others accountable for their commitments, results, and successful outcomes
Asks questions to illuminate concepts, rather than stating them
Uses lessons learned to guide individuals and teams
Finds approaches that work best for a team member's personality
Brings resources, critical readings, opportunities, or experiences to the attention of others
Acts as a sounding board for peers and more junior team members
Provides help on how to have difficult conversations
Knows the difference between mentoring and coaching
Gives feedback that describes the situation, behavior, and impact (SBI model)
Asks powerful, open-ended questions to help other problem solve and envision future states

Level 4 Behaviors

Identifies gaps in team learning/knowledge and finds ways to bridge those gaps
Models positive mentoring and teaching behaviors
Provides discipline/cohort support and/or facilitation
Exhibits enthusiasm for sharing their knowledge and expertise
Helps individuals find new and challenging opportunities within the organization
Helps individuals maintain resilience in periods of change
Shares knowledge and expertise with the team through formal mentoring and coaching

Level 5 Behaviors

Helps others maximize their potential through mentorship and coaching
Empowers team members to develop themselves
Leads others through change, providing scaffolding to empower and support others
Models productive and healthy mentor relationships
Seeks out experiments and innovative learning practices that are beneficial to and to Palantir
Helps individuals to move out of their comfort zone and try new things
Is a sought after coach and mentor


Strengthening Mentorship


Navigating Complexity


Navigating Complexity


Able to function and adapt behaviors in Cynefin complexity domains to deliver client value.

Level 1 Behaviors

Understands the difference between complexity domains (i.e. obvious, complicated, complex, chaos, disorder)
Operates successfully in obvious domain with little or no supervision
Is gaining an understanding of and experience with best practices (the complicated domain)
Once made aware, adjusts approach to meet client needs in a changing system

Level 2 Behaviors

Knows in which complexity domain (obvious, complicated, complex, chaos, disorder) they are working
Operates successfully in complicated domain with little or no supervision
Identifies and deals with complicated situations to provide the best possible solutions
Applies best practices to the situation at hand (the complicated domain)
Adjusts approach to meet client needs in a changing system between the obvious and complicated domains
Recognizes when in the complex, chaotic or disorderly domains and brings it to the attention of project leaders to seek their assistance

Level 3 Behaviors

Guides others to understand in which complexity domain (obvious, complicated, complex, chaos, disorder) they are working
Operates successfully in complex domain with little or no supervision
Identifies “known unknowns”
Adapts best practices when called for in the complicated domain
Able to adjust approach to meet client needs in a changing system between the complicated and complex domains
Recognizes when in the complex domain and able to make recommendations to the internal and client teams
When in a leadership role on a project, does not micromanage other team members and is able to guide them through solutions to issues that arise in the obvious, complicated, and complex domains

Level 4 Behaviors

Investigates issues as they arise in order to respond appropriately
In the complicated domain, chooses between multiple “right” answers to the problem at hand and provide rationale for the decision(s)
Has a reservoir of experiences in complicated and complex situations from which to draw when answers are not clear
Coaches others to find creative solutions to complex problems
High tolerance for risk
Holds and shares relevant industry leading practices
Understands and shares institutional knowledge
Seeks to cultivate innovation in the face of uncertainty, both internally and externally
Offers new perspectives to overcome complexity constraints
Selects systems thinking approaches to fit with the level of complexity and the nature of the environment
When faced with uncertainty, uses an inclusive leadership approach and does not revert to traditional command and control methods

Level 5 Behaviors

Makes sense of complex data and inputs
Guides others in the complex domain to choose between multiple “right” answers to the problem at hand and provide rationale for the decision(s)
Builds the capacity in others to cope with complexity and chaos
Functions at a high level when faced with “unknown unknowns”
Sought after resource and expert in complex situations when answers are not clear
When faced with chaos, realizes their management style needs to change and is able to make difficult decisions with little information


Supporting Complexity


Client Value


Client Value


Delivers consistent value for the client at every step of a project.

Level 1 Behaviors

Understands the difference between Palantir service lines
Ensures that they are meeting team expectations on ticketed work
When they see an issue that would impede delivering client value, they raise the issue to project leadership
Offers solutions to project leadership when issues arise
Asks focused, relevant questions of the client and the team
Demonstrates active listening skills

Level 2 Behaviors

Is aware of the three types of consulting (i.e. Expert, Collaborative, Pair of Hands) and knows in which one they are operating
Helps others identify solutions to client issues that arise
Able to articulate the “why” or rationale behind each ticket/task on which they are working
Understands the project’s KPIs (Key Performance Indicators) and works towards implementing solutions in support of them
Contributes questions to the discovery process that reveal espoused v. actual need
Leverages learnings from previous projects to benefit the team and the client
Presents their own work
Understands their communication style and is aware of the styles of others

Level 3 Behaviors

Guides a portion of and/or designs and leads the discovery process
Guides the client throughout the project to ensure work product is geared towards solving their unique problems
Contributes KPIs and/or goals for the project based on data gleaned during the discovery phase
Anticipates unusual issues and problems, taking steps to minimize impact on outcomes
Through conversation and high-quality work, builds trust with the client in a sincere and authentic manner
Is viewed as a reliable resource to the client in their area of expertise
Guides others to make successful client presentations
Is self-aware and is able to adapt their communication style to meet the needs of the client

Level 4 Behaviors

Defines the client’s unique business problem
Is viewed by the client as an expert in their cohort/area of expertise
Sets up other team members for success on the project helping them get their expertise used to deliver value
Coaches the client to be self-sufficient when appropriate
Has successful, difficult conversations with the client that amicably resolve the issue in a way that benefits Palantir and the client

Level 5 Behaviors

Coaches those designing and leading the discovery process
Coaches those defining the client’s unique business problem and guiding client in solving it
Seeks out situations that are complex and guides others to find innovative solutions
Guides others to have successful, difficult conversations with the client
Bases authority on experience, knowledge and relationship building, not position in the company


Supporting Value


New Business Development


New Business Development


Contributes to new business development by delivering value on projects and participating in Palantir sales and marketing efforts.

Level 1 Behaviors

Completes their work on time and within scope
Draws attention to blockers so that the team can help resolve or mitigate them
Understands the difference between a consultancy and an agency and approaches work with the mindset of a consultant
Is trusted by team members to deliver high quality work on time and on budget

Level 2 Behaviors

Identifies opportunities for project growth and alerts project leadership
Understands the SOW (Statement of Work) and how their role and expertise fits in the project
Articulates their own reasons for how Palantir differs from the competition
Writes blog posts

Level 3 Behaviors

Writes proposals for project extensions
Lends expertise to develop sales and marketing tools (e.g., validate and shape proposals, support ot, development of pitch decks, proposals, etc.)
Participates in new business pitch meetings
Attends conferences on behalf of Palantir and participates in speaking to current and prospective clients

Level 4 Behaviors

Is in a leadership role on projects
Writes case studies
Writes large estimates and/or proposals; determines a project’s size and shape
Speaks at events where current and potential clients are in attendance
Participates in / leads efforts to transition clients between service lines
Identifies opportunities to pursue new types of projects/work
Plays a significant/leadership role in landing new business
Fosters ongoing relationships with clients

Level 5 Behaviors

Works with the sales team to co-create strategic approach to pitches
Conceives of new products and/or service lines
Develops brand and marketing strategy for Palantir
Negotiates contracting terms
Acts as an expert resource to the estimating team


Supporting Business



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