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The Secret Sauce, Ep. 25: What Can Support Do for You?

Why a dedicated support team can help keep your website running smoothly, when you need it to most.

Why a dedicated support team can help keep your website running smoothly, when you need it to most.

Web projects are a lot to manage, and that fact doesn’t change after launch. A dedicated support team can help keep things running smoothly and securely. Client Success Manager Cynthia Philpot goes over all of the services our support team can provide to make sure your project is a success, no matter the size.

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Allison Manley [AM]: Hi again everyone, and welcome to The Secret Sauce, a short podcast by, that offers a quick bit of advice to help your business run smoother.

I’m Allison Manley, an Account Manager here at Palantir, and today’s advice comes from Cynthia Philpot, our Client Success Manager. Cynthia handles support for our clients, which is such a critical component of any website. Because once a site is finished, it still needs continuous maintenance and upgrades. She will be talking about the support services that we offer here at Palantir and how we can assist with your support needs.

Cynthia Philpot [CP]: Hey Allison! Among the many other services that has to offer — like web strategy, consulting, designing and building some very cool websites, we offer ongoing client support.

Whether you are transitioning into our Support department from an ongoing Palantir project, or if you are looking for an experienced company to support your existing website, we can address your needs.

As the Client Success Manager here at Palantir, I am the ongoing point of contact for all of our customers in Support. Based on a relationship built on trust we interact on a regular basis to ensure enhancements, features, and other project needs are addressed.

The services that we provide in support are many. We like to begin with a site audit. The site audit is essentially a snapshot of your site. We do a technical review of the site, looking at things like the architecture, build, security — just to name a few. We then provide you with an audit report and walk you through the site findings. We provide information and recommend solutions about any urgent needs that we uncover and make short and long term recommendations to provide a roadmap for next steps. We can do the work for you if you like, or we can do a consulting or training engagement should you decide to do the work yourself. This is really beneficial for a number of reasons for a variety of different people based on their individual skill set levels and desired outcomes.

You will have unlimited access to our ticketing system, which our support team will monitor, evaluate, and use to respond to your requests. Be it a bug-fix, issue, or question, we will assign an experienced engineer to provide one-on-one assistance and work with you until the request is resolved.

We do security updates because keeping your site secure is at the top of our list. We check weekly for any security updates that may affect your site, and we’ll keep you informed on the progress and ensure the update is done in an expedient manner.

We can maintain a standing relationship with your hosting provider. So based on your specific issue and provided we have access, we gladly manage the relationship between you and your hosting provider on your behalf. We have standing relationships with most of the largest providers, and can assist in providing clarity when you receive important notifications and alerts.

I mentioned earlier that we perform a site audit but we also provide a Google Analytics audit to identify proper tagging, custom event tracking, goals, conversions, and any other customizations aside from a basic install.

As I mentioned early on, whether you need assistance maintaining a current site or perhaps needing to onboard a new employee, we can provide training to fit your specific needs. Palantir provides training and consulting in a variety of formats. Teaching is an integral part of our work.

We provide support for Drupal sites as well as other types of sites like WordPress too. If there are additional questions, I am available to provide answers and discuss pricing. Just give me a call. Thanks!

AM: That’s the end of this week’s Secret Sauce. For more great tips, please check out our website at You can also follow us on twitter at @palantir. Have a great day!

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