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A graphic illustrating how EditTogether is collaborative

Collaborate Faster, Securely, with EditTogether

Introducing EditTogether, collaborative Drupal editing

EditTogether is a free, multi-user, field-level editing solution built for Drupal.

Is your government team struggling with clunky, inefficient content workflows that waste valuable time? EditTogether streamlines the entire process, allowing you to author, revise and publish content collaboratively and securely in one place. Say goodbye to revising content in an email chain. Simplify your workflow so you and your team can focus on what really matters.

A premier collaboration framework built for government agencies

Security without compromise

We couldn't find any existing collaboration tools that satisfy the stringent security requirements of our government clients, so we built our own. Unlike subscription-based solutions for real-time collaboration, EditTogether leverages proven open-source technologies to provide secure collaboration that can't be exploited for profit.

  • CCPA + GDPR compatible
  • FedRAMP compliant
  • Compatible with Drupal+SSO
  • Full data sovereignty — your content is never exposed to a third party.

Industry-standard tools with no paywalls — ever.

EditTogether provides premier content editing and collaboration tools for free. And no, we don't mean free in exchange for your data, we mean free — no strings attached.

EditTogether's collaboration tools enable you to consolidate multi-system processes into Drupal-based workflows, offering your team more time to work on the things that matter. Through form-level collaboration, comments and suggestions, and granular change tracking, teams can openly collaborate on any aspect of their Drupal site. EditTogether ships with these features — and many more — by default.


Designed to make things easier

EditTogether is built to address government-specific needs, and it's already in use by one of our state agency clients. Government employees spend a disproportionate amount of their day fighting to get content approved and formatted in a way that’s web compatible. Time that could be spent on providing other critical public services.

  • Premier Drupal-based collaboration features eliminate the need for approving and maintaining external tools.
  • A lightweight, compliant server infrastructure makes adoption simple and straightforward.
  • A security-driven architecture ensures your content doesn't leave your site.
Introducing EditTogether, collaborative Drupal editing

Collaboratively manage your site, not just your content.

EditTogether provides modular real-time collaboration anywhere in Drupal.

  • Enables collaboration across your entire site, allowing users to collaborate on site configuration such as views or menus.
  • Provides a plugin system for extending EditTogether with new and/or custom functionality.
  • Leverages proven open-source collaboration tools for security and reliability.

Create, edit, approve, and publish — all in one place.

EditTogether saves you time and energy by eliminating the pain points common in complex, multi-system content workflows. EditTogether ships by default with:

  • Configurable form-level collaboration to work collaboratively on any Drupal page.
  • A powerful word processor to create and edit content.
  • Threaded commenting and suggestions to discuss potential changes in real-time.
  • Autosaving to ensure content is never lost.
  • Granular change tracking to audit your content from creation through to publishing.
a screenshot of the Drupal CMS edit window with Edit Together providing collaborative features

Why? Because an open web matters.

As access to the best tools demands consent to increasingly intrusive privacy policies and exploitative cost structures, powerful open-source alternatives are more important than ever. We're releasing EditTogether for free to offer real-time collaboration that doesn't compromise security for profit.

Are you ready to EditTogether?

Interested in learning more about EditTogether’s capabilities in complex content workflows? Fill out this form to register your interest in our paid private beta.

Let’s work together.

Have an exceptional idea? Let's talk and see how we can help.

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